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Just like there are road sign books, there are road sign artic | CatOps

Just like there are road sign books, there are road sign articles. This is the type that provides rather not the answers to particular questions, but avenues to approach those answers.

Here are a couple of such articles on the micro service architecture by the same author:
- Microservice Architecture and its 10 Most Important Design Patterns
- Effective Microservices: 10 Best Practices

Each of these articles provides a list of patterns and good practices that one can use building their architecture. And even though I do not agree with all the statements there, I still believe these are great lists to get yourself familiar with some core concepts and make a personal roadmap if you want learn more about building micro service architectures.

Some of these concepts are gonna be pretty familiar to anyone, who’s working with micro services on a daily basis, but it’s important to revisit core concepts from time to time, because you never know, what have you forgotten.

#architectire #microservices