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An Inquisitive Mind

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Категории: Юмор и развлечения , Познавательное
Язык: Русский
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Amazing and mind boggling Facts
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Последние сообщения 40

2021-12-07 14:00:02
Earth in 2.3 billion years.

In 2.3 billion years, Earth will be too hot for life to be possible.

Our planet will eventually become an endless desert, similar to today's Mars. For hundreds of millions of years, the Sun has been heating up, getting brighter and hotter and will continue to do so. In more than two billion years from now, temperatures will be so high that the oceans that make the Earth habitable will evaporate.

1.2K views11:00
2021-12-07 11:42:47
Painting by the artist Sergi Cadenas with aging.

The image is transformed depending on from what point the viewer sees it.

1.2K views08:42
2021-12-06 16:30:00
The taste of food depends on its temperature.

Experts from Brock University in Toronto conducted an experiment in which solutions of different tastes were used - bitter, sour, sweet or tart astringent.

It turned out that sour and tart tastes are felt better and longer at higher temperatures. And the bitter taste is more noticeable at low temperatures. Temperature does not affect the perception of sweet taste.

1.4K views13:30
2021-12-06 14:00:05
The biggest cat

The Liger– is the largest cat on Earth, and is a hybrid between a male lion and a female tigress.

Standing on their hind legs, they reach 4 meters (4.37 yards) in height and weigh over 300 kilograms (661 lb).

1.3K views11:00
2021-12-05 16:30:00
The Unique underwater waterfall.

The unique underwater waterfall is located just a few hundred meters from the southwestern coast of Mauritius.

In fact, an underwater waterfall in the ocean is just an optical illusion created by the bizarre landscapes of the ocean floor near the island.

1.4K views13:30
2021-12-05 13:30:00
How much does the cloud weigh?

One cloud weighs about 1.1 million pounds (498,951 kg).

How did the researchers know? They calculated this number by multiplying the density of the water in the cloud by its volume.

Fortunately, the cloud can still "float" at that weight because the air underneath is even heavier.

1.4K views10:30
2021-12-04 22:17:00
Why does a dolphin sleep with an open eye?

Dolphins know how to sleep by turning off one of the hemispheres in turn. The second is awake at this moment. Accordingly, one eye is open in order to track changes in the environment.

If the right hemisphere is asleep and the left is awake, then the right eye is open, and opposite.

1.5K views19:17
2021-12-04 16:30:00
Why does the brain consume the most oxygen and calories?

The brain contains up to 60% fat and is the fattest human organ.

It makes up less than two percent of our body, while consuming about 20-30 calories from food.Thus, constant malnutrition negatively affects the intellectual development of a person.

Also, the brain consumes 20% of all oxygen entering the body. For the normal functioning of the brain, a person must breathe fresh air.

1.5K views13:30
2021-12-04 13:30:00
Can a piranha kill a person?

Piranha is a very careful fish, and does not pose any danger to humans. There is a large amount of evidence when a person swam in piranha-infested water without any harm to his health. One of them is a biologist and avid fisherman Jeremy Wade.

But piranhas can attack a person, this behaviour is due to self-defence( during the spawning season) or abnormal weather conditions(drought, hunger).

1.4K views10:30
2021-12-03 17:00:01
The insect was the victim of a swamp monster.

The liquid secreted by the hairs of the sundew is a dangerous glue for insects, as well as an enzyme for digesting prey.

The victim, attracted by the smell of "dew", sticks to the plant, the hairs press it to the surface of the leaf, and the process of food digestion begins.

1.5K views14:00