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Логотип телеграм канала @accfarm — Accfarm A
Логотип телеграм канала @accfarm — Accfarm
Адрес канала: @accfarm
Категории: Бизнес и стартапы
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 15
Описание канала:

Marketplace for social media accounts.
Accfarm is a store with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, Steam accounts for your business goals and campaigns. Subscribe to news and great discounts from Accfarm!

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Последние сообщения 5

2021-08-25 13:40:15 1st one - https://fb.me/1TMJ5DeWVaNyscO
242 views10:40
2021-08-25 13:30:23 Prepare your Facebook accounts, in 10 minutes we will send links to BMs
241 views10:30
2021-08-25 12:00:28 Promocode:


One-time discount for an order. The first to apply the coupon will receive a 15% discount Hurry up!
256 views09:00
2021-08-25 11:50:18 In 10 minutes, we will place a discount coupon in the group. The first to apply it to the order will receive a discount.
41 views08:50
2021-08-25 10:00:19 Hi Friends, today Accfarm is celebrating its 2nd Birthday! We are glad that you are with us and that our project helps you to promote your products. In honor of this event, we have prepared special gifts, discounts, and giveaways for you.

Today, in our telegram, you will have the opportunity to receive various one-time discounts, Business managers with different limits, Trust Fan Pages, and so on. Therefore, carefully follow the messages, because the fastest will win. Also, by using the Birthday2 promo code you will receive a 22% discount for an order of $222 or more. This way you will have a good opportunity to purchase accounts.

We will raffle a balance replenishment for $100 between all the clients who made a deal on this day.

Stay tuned, the celebrations are coming.
91 views07:00
2021-08-19 18:22:40 Hello there, we have expanded the range of our store again. For those who want an aged account for personal use or for white ads, we have aged Facebook accounts 2007-2014 registered from different countries with 2 BMs $250 added. Read and follow the description and instructions for their use very carefully.


Also, until the end of August, a 7% discount promo code is working for all your purchases.

131 views15:22
2021-08-09 18:55:39
Hi there, today we added something new. These are FB US accounts with a verified identity before FB requested it. The key difference between these accounts and the accounts with Advertising Access Reinstated is that they are a little more trustworthy and it will be possible to launch ads in them earlier. Since accounts most likely don't ask for repeated ID confirmation within 7 days while the ID confirmation checkbox is hanging. Therefore, this is the most suitable type of account for launching ads and adding BM. We won't recommend to warm up the accounts and launch ads in them right away, since the chance to get to other checks related to suspicious activity remains, but using high-quality residential proxies along with a clean device, you can do this at your own peril and risk ;)

You can purchase these accounts by following the link - https://accfarm.com/buy-facebook-accounts/facebook-accounts-aged-facebook-us-account-2007-2017-registered-can-be-used-adverising-id-verified
237 viewsedited  15:55
2021-08-02 18:02:38
US Accounts with reinstated advertising access with ID included are back in stock.

You can order them here:

493 views15:02
2021-07-29 17:25:51 Today we added several new positions of Instagram accounts with a huge number of real followers:

200K Followers https://accfarm.com/buy-instagram-accounts/ig-accounts-instagram-account-welcome-letter-and-200000-followers
300K Followers https://accfarm.com/buy-instagram-accounts/ig-accounts-instagram-account-welcome-letter-and-300000-followers
500K Followers https://accfarm.com/buy-instagram-accounts/ig-accounts-instagram-account-welcome-letter-and-500000-followers

Warmed Facebook US Accounts are back in stock!

You can order them here:


Also, all of these accounts have an access token, suitable for automation.
675 views14:25
2021-07-16 12:25:43 We've added a new position to the site that will interest many of you. Warmed Facebook US accounts with BM and ID

You can order them here:

835 views09:25