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Логотип телеграм канала @accfarm — Accfarm A
Логотип телеграм канала @accfarm — Accfarm
Адрес канала: @accfarm
Категории: Бизнес и стартапы
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 15
Описание канала:

Marketplace for social media accounts.
Accfarm is a store with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, Steam accounts for your business goals and campaigns. Subscribe to news and great discounts from Accfarm!

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Последние сообщения 2

2022-01-28 00:10:18 New products are available on Accfarm!

We are constantly developing and always trying to offer the best product which will match your needs perfectly! This time, we are glad to announce that Tinder accounts and Apple ID accounts are now available to buy on Accfarm.

Tinder profiles are fulfilled and available in both male and female gender. Accounts are manually created, phone and email verified. Age of accounts can also be chosen: from 1-3 month old accounts to 6-12 month old ones! Offers are waiting for you to check them out!

Our Apple ID accounts are US IP registered, active and verified. With the credentials you also receive additional information such as best friend dream job or parent meet in order to avoid having any issues with login. Please, make sure not to miss them out too!
265 views21:10
2022-01-13 19:01:24 Hello there!
US Accounts with Reinstated Ads Access are back in stock. You can order them here. Hurry as they always sell out fast!

Lots of positions of Reddit accounts added. Reddit accounts appeared with an accessible Cryptomoonshots thread. In addition, there are a number of accounts with karma and access to email. All new positions are registered at least 6 months ago.

You can check them here
354 views16:01
2021-12-30 19:00:24 Hello everyone and Happy New Year!

The work schedule of our Support Team for the coming days:
December 31 - January 2 - Weekends
Orders will be delivered regularly. Some of the custom-made items will be delivered beginning from the 3rd January as most suppliers aren't working on New Year's holidays.
All tickets submitted during non-working days of the support team will be considered without fail, so don't worry about that.

Get some rest before starting an even more productive year! Good luck everyone!
345 views16:00
2021-12-20 17:01:38 Hello there, Accfarm Team wants to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! In the coming year we wish for your business to flourish, your ROI to grow steadily and your profit to exceed all your forecasts!
To celebrate the upcoming holidays, we have prepared a number of discount offers that can help you achieve your goals. You can find all the discount offers on the Discounts page.

Also, if you wanted to pre-purchase something that was not included in this section, use the CristmasSale7 promo code and get a 7% discount on each of your deals until the end of the year!
74 views14:01
2021-12-09 19:02:36 Hey there! We have a large replenishment of the stock.

Pre-warmed accounts of various countries have been added.
You can purchase them in the Pre-warmed Facebook accounts section

Aged US accounts with the reinstated ads access and IDs included appeared again. ID will be prepared for accounts, you can get it upon request, and we will prepare them according to the current template, which is most likely to be verified.
Buy here
424 views16:02
2021-11-24 17:08:26 Without words, Black Friday has already started!

Use promo code BF21 for all purchases from 24 to 29 November and get a 10% discount
213 views14:08
2021-11-16 18:46:31 US and UA Facebook accounts with reinstated ads access are back in stock. Identity verification is now carried out in a rather random way, so we cannot yet say when to wait for the next restock. Therefore, don't miss your chance to buy it now.

Aged Facebook US Account 2007-2017 Registered Can be used for Adverising (ID verified)
Warmed Facebook accounts for Ads UA ip (ID vefiried)
337 views15:46
2021-11-04 19:00:05
Hello there! It is now quite difficult to create and verify some wallets and accounts on exchanges, but we can do it for you. The payment accounts section contains accounts that are currently available for ordering. If you didn't find an account that interests you, then we can also try to register it for you. Registration takes place only on weekdays and can take a long time, taking into account the verification. The accounts are usually issued within 48 hours.
361 views16:00
2021-10-28 19:04:06 Hi there!
We have expanded the range of discord accounts

All accounts available for purchase can be found at the link:

Discord Accounts

Aged US accounts with Reinstated Advertising Access are back in stock, hurry up to buy while still in stock.

Added a large number of Manually registered pre-warmed PVA Facebook accounts of different geo.

UA accounts with proxy, BM and ID, as well as accounts that have Ads Access Reinstated are also available.

It's time to start preparing and get ready for Black Friday ;)
336 views16:04
2021-10-14 18:31:26 Hello there, today we have added Amazon Business Buyer accounts. The main difference of these accounts is the possibility of bulk purchases and a lower price for the owners of these accounts. There is also a version of the account with tax exemption.

Amazon Buyer Accounts
Amazon Business Buyer Accounts
Amazon Business Buyer Tax-Exempt Account
212 views15:31