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Логотип телеграм канала @why_eng — Why? W
Логотип телеграм канала @why_eng — Why?
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Категории: Дизайн , Познавательное
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 21.98K
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Последние сообщения 113

2021-10-27 14:00:10
WHY does the head spin after rotation in place?

As people turn their head, they use their eyes trying to hold their gaze on one object or another. After a while, the nervous mechanism that allows this eye movement (called nystagmus) switches to a self-sustaining mode.

If the rotation stops, the eyes continue to make nystagmatic movements.
5.1K views11:00
2021-10-26 18:02:00
WHY do you see colored circles while rubbing your eyes?

You may have noticed that every time you rub your eyes, the colored flashes are always of a different shape and color

Pressing on the eyeball causes mechanical irritation to the retina and optic nerve.

This signal goes to the visual centers of the brain, which perceive it as a normal signal from the retinal receptors.
6.5K views15:02
2021-10-26 14:00:10
WHY shouldn't we take a starfish out of the water?

Starfish pump in and out of water through their body surface. This way it breathes.

If you take a starfish out of the water, it will get air into its body, but once submerged, it won't be able to sink to the bottom and breathe normally. As a result, it will die an agonizing death.

You cannot pull a starfish out of the water for more than 3-5 seconds.
6.6K views11:00
2021-10-25 20:00:15
WHY are tsunamis occurring?

When large underwater earthquakes shake the seafloor, tsunamis appear. And the stronger the shocks, the more powerful the tsunami will be.

Underwater landslides and explosions also cause tsunamis. So-called megatsunamis are caused by above-water landslides or "glacier calving".

Unfortunately, tsunamis, as well as earthquakes, are still impossible to predict accurately.
2.9K views17:00
2021-10-24 18:40:47
WHY do mushrooms poison each other?

They do wage full-fledged chemical wars for territory. Lots of mushrooms produce toxins to fight other myceliums and capture a clearing with plenty of room to breed.

Gas secreted by mushrooms is so toxic that it was used as a weapon in World War I.
4.4K views15:40
2021-10-23 18:02:00
WHY is the center of the universe is in Tulsa?

Tulsa is a small city in Oklahoma, a unique acoustic place. "The Center of the Universe" is a 75 cm diameter circle of concrete. It is followed by the next circle of 13 bricks and circular brickwork. The whole area extends to about 2.5 m in diameter.

If you stand in the center of this place, any sound you make will be amplified many times over, and the person standing outside the circle will hear your voice distorted and indistinct.
3.1K views15:02
2021-10-23 17:02:00
REAL UFO channel is officially allowed in Telegram

We will show you all the hidden materials about UFO and aliens

3.2K views14:02
2021-10-23 13:50:29
WHY is the sea blue and the water in the glass clear?

It is true that clear water is blue. But the shade intensity is so small that it is impossible to discern it in a small container!

Also, the water in the reservoir reflects the sky, which gives it colors.
3.6K views10:50
2021-10-22 20:00:29
Whatever happens, whenever it happens — Sputnik will investigate and let you know.

Join our Telegram to learn the Whos and Whys of the world's top stories.
4.5K views17:00
2021-10-22 15:30:03
WHY does adding salt to pineapple make it sweet?

Scientists have found that salt reacts chemically with malic and citric acids.

As a result, the salt neutralizes the acid, making the pineapple sweeter.
4.9K views12:30