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Russian military wives encourage the rape of peaceful Ukrainia | War on Fakes

Russian military wives encourage the rape of peaceful Ukrainian women! Castration and sexual abuse of children is an obligatory attribute of waging war against the Ukrainian people!

No, it's not the dismissed Human Rights Commissioner Lyudmila Denisova who has taken up her old cause. It was the first lady of Ukraine, Elena Zelenskaya, who spoke at a press conference in London on sexual violence in military conflicts.

"In fact, the wives of Russian servicemen encourage it, they say, 'Go ahead and rape those Ukrainian women, just don't share it with me, just don't tell me'" - such a phrase was uttered in the statement.

It's hard to imagine exactly how and from where Vladimir Zelensky's wife gets this kind of information. Proofs, or at least the results of official investigations, of course, were not provided. Apparently, the first lady of the country cannot rest in peace with Vladimir Zelensky and Lyudmila Denisova as the most scandalous disinformer.

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