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Логотип телеграм канала @tg_discovery — Discovery 🌍
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Последние сообщения 5

2023-05-27 14:00:10
Most owls are farsighted, meaning they see better in the distance than up close. They also see better at dusk and in the dark than in the light.
3.9K views11:00
2023-05-10 21:00:39
Rare mammals, manatees, come to America on the Florida Peninsula to overwinter in warm streams.
1.3K views18:00
2023-05-10 14:00:48
Lake Lago di Como lies in northern Italy in the region of Lombardy and ranks as the third largest lake in Italy after Lake Garda and Lake Maggiore
1.8K views11:00
2023-05-09 21:30:14
It is impossible to imagine Switzerland without mountains. Here is also the world's steepest ski elevator Gelmerbahn to the Grimsel Pass (in some places the incline is 106%)
2.2K views18:30
2023-05-09 14:00:41
Running on the waves. Beach visitors in Peru walking on the floating pier of Tumbes, Peru
2.3K views11:00
2023-05-08 21:00:56
Although foxes are distant relatives of dogs and wolves, they live alone, not in packs.
2.6K views18:00
2023-05-08 14:00:46
Black herons inhabiting Africa adopt an ingenious strategy for catching fish.
2.6K views11:00
2023-05-07 21:00:37
The fur of the Far Eastern leopard is quite different from that of its tropical counterparts from Africa and South Asia. Its fur is especially long in winter - up to 7 cm!
2.9K views18:00
2023-05-07 14:00:40
A waterfall of clouds on the slope of the Markotkh Ridge in the Tsemesskaya Bay.

The cause of this phenomenon was a sharp temperature drop in the mountains.
2.9K views11:00
2023-05-06 21:00:35
Lemurs are really friendly.

They exist in large families, where fights and conflicts are extremely rare.
3.1K views18:00