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Ладно, что мы всё о работе. Вот почитайте стихи про требования | Системный сдвиг

Ладно, что мы всё о работе. Вот почитайте стихи про требования от ИИ:

>Write a poem about software requirements

In fields of code and screens so bright
Lies a land of endless possibilities
Where software requirements lay in wait
To guide the way and pave the path

With clear and concise language they speak
Outlining all that must be done
From the smallest of details to the grand design
Software requirements make it all real

They lay the groundwork for what's to come
Guiding developers on their way
Ensuring that the end result will be
A product that works without a glitch

So here's to the unsung heroes of the digital age
The software requirements that guide us all
May they continue to help us build
The future that we can't yet see.