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FM Sergey Lavrov’s greetings to the participants in the regula | Russia in Canada

FM Sergey Lavrov’s greetings to the participants in the regular meeting of the Russia–Islamic World Strategic Vision Group and the 13th International Economic Summit Russia – Islamic World: #KazanSummit2022

It is encouraging that today we are united by so many things. Above all, it is the commitment to the goal of democratisation of international affairs, as well as the unconditional respect for the right of the peoples of the world to independently determine their own destiny. We reject racist prejudices, claims of exceptionalism, and all other manifestations of neo-colonial mentality.

I am pleased to note that the Russian Federation and Muslim states share a common interest in promoting equal and mutually beneficial relations. The fact that this year Kazan holds the status of the OIC youth capital is a vivid illustration thereof.