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Reception Psychologist

Логотип телеграм канала @reception_psychologist — Reception Psychologist R
Логотип телеграм канала @reception_psychologist — Reception Psychologist
Адрес канала: @reception_psychologist
Категории: Психология , Без категории
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 2.54K
Описание канала:

Working on yourself is the hardest task. If you want to change your reality, you must change your mindset.
For Ads: @Biret2

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Последние сообщения 5

2022-06-08 12:00:17
Hugs - why is it so important?

Being healthy and happy, it turns out, is simple!

Psychologically speaking
you need 8 hugs a day to feel good.

Hugging is a powerful process of exchanging positive energy.

It is not only pleasant, but also useful.

Positive emotions have a beneficial effect on health, and this is not self-inflicted. A number of hormones increase in the blood when you cuddle
614 viewsps, 09:00
2022-06-07 19:00:09
How do to get rid of laziness?

Every time you get lazy, remind yourself what you're losing. You are losing part of the amazing future you could have had.

And now the technique itself, which has proven to be perfectly effective:

Get a piece of paper and write down on it all the things you lose when you start to get distracted.

Put the sheet right in plain sight on your desk or hang it on the wall.

When you get distracted, you will inevitably see this list and it will be easier to get back to business.

The key is to remember what you're losing and take action. Do you want to take a break? A change of activity is the best rest.

Good luck!
613 viewsps, 16:00
2022-06-07 17:00:09
Habits are imprints on your subconscious mind

The subconscious is an enormous hard drive that holds information about everything we have ever come into contact with
, in other words our experiences. It's also where our habits are stored, which is why it's so hard to change them.

Reprinting old habits and beliefs with new ones will help to be systematiс i.e. regular repetition and strong emotions and stimuli.

Most importantly, don't forget to praise yourself when you follow the right path. Surround yourself with people who support you and set the right pace in life.
593 viewsps, 14:00
2022-06-06 19:00:18
5 simple ways to cope with stress

Think of stress as a positive experience.

Recognise that you can't control external circumstances, but you can control yourself.

Don't let yourself get bogged down in the past.

Don't avoid contact with people, offer your help and don't be afraid to ask for help from others.

Think of your failures as an opportunity to learn something new and to correct your mistakes.
178 viewsps, 16:00
2022-06-06 17:30:03
"The Positive Bus" or how to get rid of bad thoughts

This technique will allow you to easily manage your own thoughts by ignoring all negativity. Yes, this technique is playful, but it allows you to distract yourself and deal with accumulated negativity.

Those who think that only children play games are deeply mistaken. All our lives we play games, fantasize, imagine something, just the level becomes different.

Imagine that you are the driver of a bus with all your thoughts as passengers. Give each of them a character, a voice and an appearance.

Passengers who can evoke your negative emotions have not paid their fare and are constantly annoying you with their pessimistic talk.

What's the best way to deal with them?
That's right! The best option would be to kick them out of the interior of the car.

Remember, you are the one with the power to direct your own thoughts! Don't let negativity get the best of you
223 viewsps, 14:30
2022-06-06 16:30:00
How to have 150% more time, be energetic and keep life-work balance?

Productivity Meter | Pump yourself up - perhaps the most effective tg-channel with daily tips for boosting personal effectiveness.

How to plan things with to-do lists?
How to wake up at 6 a.m. without an alarm clock?
What are Elon Musk's productivity secrets?
How to get x2 results in June?

Only proven techniques. Start applying it today and your life will be changed tomorrow. Let's test it @productivity_meter
232 viewsps, 13:30
2022-06-05 19:00:11
Moral overload

You know what's worse than physical fatigue?

Yes, you're right Moral overload

That's what happens when a person lives too long with just the word 'should'.

You should do this, you should do that, you should do that... and bang your soul roars with tears, your eyes lose light, and you literally curse everything that you needed so much.

Don't let this breakdown happen!!!

Whatever goals you set for yourself, remember: rest is a must

Don't forget to get out of the cage of your commitments at least once in a while!
356 viewsps, 16:00
2022-06-05 17:00:07
Use the " Looking in from the outside" method

What do you usually do when you have a difficult time?

It's hard to find a way out when you're thinking about your situation...

BUT Try to ask yourself the question during hard times:

"What would I advise another person to do if they were facing difficulties like mine?"

Then your mind will shift from a wave of panic to a wave of decision. It will be easier to find a way out, give it a try!
351 viewsps, 14:00
2022-06-04 20:00:04
Life Lesson

One day a man was walking past a bush and saw a cocoon on a branch, and there was a small gap on it. So, a butterfly will hatch out of it soon, the passerby thought. And decided to see it.

It seemed to him that the butterfly could not get out of the cocoon, she was exhausted. Is the butterfly going to die?

He felt sorry for the insect. He carefully tore the cocoon, and the butterfly was free. She looked very weak, her wings barely moved.

The man did not understand why she did not spread her wings and fly away? After all, he made it easier for her. Alas, the butterfly's wings did not open, and she spent her life on the ground because she could not take off.

The butterfly needs to work properly with its wings inside the cocoon. Only in this way will they be strong enough to lift and hold her body above the ground.

Remember the butterfly when you want to "save" someone. You can't fly high in life without effort and obstacles.
230 viewsps, 17:00
2022-06-04 19:00:17
Where is this place?
247 viewsps, 16:00