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Oh, my Flutter [ENG]

Логотип телеграм канала @ohmyfluttereng — Oh, my Flutter [ENG] O
Логотип телеграм канала @ohmyfluttereng — Oh, my Flutter [ENG]
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All about Flutter. News, articles, digests, announcements, vacancies and much more. Author Mikhail Zotyev. For all questions write to @mbixjkee

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Последние сообщения

2022-07-08 16:45:00
InheritedWidget is an important concept in Flutter. The Flutter team has talked about it not once. The last one Decoding Flutter is not an exception. This theme was explained again.

More details are in the Decoding Flutter video.

44 viewsMikhail Zotyev, 13:45
2022-07-08 10:40:01
Flutter is not only a mobile framework already. Bottom Navigation Bar of course a helpful widget for mobile navigation, but isn’t cut out for the desktop or web. A good alternative is the NavigationRail, which was shown in the last Widget of the Week.

More details are in the Widget of the Week video.

49 viewsMikhail Zotyev, 07:40
2022-07-07 16:45:03
Lint rules are a good way to increase the quality of the project. There are useful sets for Dart and Flutter already: flutter_lint and rules from dart_code_metrics. But if you want something very special and custom for your project, you need to be familiar with analyzer_plugin. At least before recent times. Invertase has released a package custom_lint the other day. This library help with creating new custom rules in an easier way.

More details are in the article by Majid Hajian.

56 viewsMikhail Zotyev, 13:45
2022-07-06 16:45:01
Flutter Dart Code for VSCode has taken an update too. In this release:

a new setting that allows regenerating localization when .arb is saved;
a new setting to make simple fetching dependencies in nested projects;
a lot of fixes and improvements for future SDK.

More details changelog by the link.

61 viewsMikhail Zotyev, 13:45
2022-07-05 16:45:02
Flutter IntelliJ Plugin has been recently updated. One of the most awaited features in this release is a monorepo project support for Flutter. Now we don’t need to find tricky ways for this anymore. It works out of the box.

More details changelog by the link.

63 viewsMikhail Zotyev, 13:45
2022-07-04 11:01:13
You must clearly understand what you need when studying something - technology, language, etc. Otherwise, there is not a small chance to waste a lot of time on useless things and don’t reach the result. And of course, Flutter doesn’t exception. Moreover, it is a rapidly growing framework, and this fact complicates the problem to choose what is important or not. I have thought a lot of time about the question - what does Flutter developer must know? And standing on my own experience built the knowledge and skills map.

You can find it by the link.

79 viewsMikhail Zotyev, 08:01
2022-07-01 16:45:02
Big and popular applications have a lot of features, which give interesting opportunities or just look really cool. Repeat something like this is already a good result and training your skills.

Example of this - Uber-style live location tracking, in the article by the link.

92 viewsMikhail Zotyev, 13:45
2022-06-30 16:45:01
Why build apps with Flutter - it is a strange question in 2022nd, in my opinion. Answers to it are really obvious. But often it is so if you are already inside this technology. I met a few people recently, which know about Flutter, but their idea about it is frozen on the 2019th, to my surprise.

I think the article from VGV can be useful for all people, who are outside the Flutter yet but want to know - why build apps with Flutter.

93 viewsMikhail Zotyev, 13:45
2022-06-29 16:45:03
Dart can be used for various things on a large count of platforms. And the new episode of The Boring Flutter Development Show is right about it. Simon Lightfoot and Craig Labenz are going to create a distributed counter app, using Flutter, WebSockets, shelf, Google Cloud Run, and Redis.

The first episode of this journey already is able to watch.

88 viewsMikhail Zotyev, 13:45
2022-06-28 16:45:06
Documentation is the one of most important parts of production code. When we have documentation, we don’t need to read a lot of code source lines, against we can just read human-friendly descriptions to understand or recall, how something works. In Dart, we use a Dart-doc format for documentation.

What it is, and how it works, in the article by Hussain Habibullah.

85 viewsMikhail Zotyev, 13:45