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Род was a manager в 'хаус депо'. Он работал about 50 hours a w | Учим English

Род was a manager в "хаус депо". Он работал about 50 hours a week. Он любил his job, although дополнительные часы cut into the time, которое он could spend with his тремя маленькими дочками. One morning он was supposed to go home в 7 утра, но instead этого, he stayed on to help out for three more hours. Он как раз собирался уходить at 10 a.m. when he heard something.
At one of the checkout counters, он увидел man dressed in white painter's coveralls pointing пистолет на female checker. На нем была yellow cap, a white plastic painter's mask, и белые перчатки.
Род hurried over. Times в Лос-Анджелесе had changed. All managers now received training тому, как реагировать на armed robberies and hostage‐taking.
