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Луиза и Нейл had been dating for три года. She was 40, and he | Учим English

Луиза и Нейл had been dating for три года. She was 40, and he was 50. Они wanted to get married и завести two kids as soon as possible, но тут was a problem. Они disagreed on, как они будут raise their kids.
Because у Луизы была high‐paying job, Нил мог остаться home and raise the kids. He looked forward этого, потому что he felt that he would be отличным отцом. Во-первых, he would teach them how to read. А потом he would teach them about жизни. Его дети were not going to waste their time на чтение fairy tales и просмотр "Улицы Сезам". Они собирались learn practical stuff, например, как use Microsoft Office и как получить four‐year scholarship в Гарварде. Он хотел, чтобы они become business majors, потому что business is where the money is.
