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Now Playing [logs]

Логотип телеграм канала @nowplaylogs — Now Playing [logs] N
Логотип телеграм канала @nowplaylogs — Now Playing [logs]
Адрес канала: @nowplaylogs
Категории: Музыка
Язык: Русский
Страна: Россия
Количество подписчиков: 289
Описание канала:

News about @nowplaybot
Contact (EN/RU): @anna_ignores
Donate: paypal.me/koteeq or @donateanna

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Последние сообщения

2021-03-12 04:07:01 New:
You can send a vibing cat gif to your friend by typing "@nowplaybot cat".

The cat will vibe to the track you're listening.

Works with Spotify only.

The BPM of the track is obtained from Spotify API, so I'm not responsible for any wrong vibes, you know.
3.4K views01:07
2020-11-11 01:29:30 Have you also seen that "no MD5 hash blah-blah" error? Don't tell anyone then. I've already fixed that!
4.2K views22:29
2020-08-19 17:44:26
There are some outage reports but I have no idea what’s wrong, the bot works fine for me. Investigating.
4.6K viewsedited  14:44
2020-08-19 09:33:15 There are some outage reports but I have no idea what’s wrong, the bot works fine for me.

3.2K views06:33
2020-08-08 15:06:40 Have you also seen that "no MD5 hash blah-blah" error?
Don't tell anyone then.

I've already fixed that!
3.1K views12:06
2020-07-23 02:26:48 New:
Fixed "this song is not available :(" error for tracks that are not available on Deezer.
The bot will try to download such tracks directly from Spotify

It's VERY slow. It slowly downloads from Spotify in a single thread, then it converts the song from ogg to mp3 with ffmpeg.

, but works.

Fun fact: 163 users got this error 302 times overall.
3.1K viewsedited  23:26
2020-07-18 00:48:38 The bot is down.
Same as many other services.
Cloudflare and Google DNS are experiencing major outage right now.

I'm sorry :c

UPD: It's up!
2.6K viewsedited  21:48
2020-07-13 00:59:04 New:
Last.fm is available as an experimental source alternative to Spotify/Yandex.Music.
Please note that the matching is fuzzy cause it's based on artist name and song title.
I warned you.

Read the story in Russian.

Use /logout if you had your Spotify/Yandex.Music account linked and want to switch to Last.fm
2.5K viewsedited  21:59
2020-07-11 14:24:49 New bot userpic made by @alberry_art!
2.1K viewsedited  11:24
2020-07-11 14:24:25 Channel photo updated