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Логотип телеграм канала @nosingularity — Сингулярности не будет (18 )
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Категории: Технологии
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 2.06K
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Серьезные щи, технологии и тлен

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2022-08-26 19:29:00 For the compiler in dwh.dev there is a need to describe all the built-in snowflake functions: argument types, result types, nullability, etc.
I thought, since I have to write by hand anyway, I'll add all sorts of meta there - descriptions, links to docs, categories, and stuff. Hey, sooner or later we'll come to IDE, and intellisense will have to do. So we won't have to get up twice. And for dwh.dev the highlighting in the sorts with links to the docs is nice too.

In the end, I covered almost all functions without special syntax (they are described in the parser) and functions not related to admin (these too, but a little later).

I got about 30 files of JSON files with content like this:
{ "desc": "Given two input GEOGRAPHY objects, returns a GEOGRAPHY object that represents the set of points from both input objects that are not part of the intersection of the objects (i.e. the symmetric difference of the two objects)."
"url": [ "https://docs.snowflake.com/en/sql-reference/functions/st_symdifference.html"],
{ "result": {
"type": "GEOGRAPHY",
{ "mods": [],
{ "desc": "If and are equal (i.e. the symmetric difference is an empty set of points), the function returns NULL."
{ "arguments": {
{ "in": [
{ "type": [ "GEOGRAPHY" ],
{ "desc": ""
{ "type": [ "GEOGRAPHY" ],
{ "desc": ""
}, "type": "function",
}, "nullable": "true

I think to open sourcing it. Question - does anyone besides me need this? :)

Yes, the same for PostgreSQL and MySQL...
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2022-08-25 23:18:51 Recognizing the potential demand for a commercial database product, [Ellison] founded the company that became Oracle in 1977, because CIA wanted a relational database

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Python tops programming love list – but if you want a job, learn SQL

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2022-08-24 10:04:25 “Every decade, another hyped-up database technology comes along that claims SQL is terrible, slow, or impractical,” Pavlo says. “Over time, the conventional wisdom comes back to realizing that [SQL] is a good idea, and everyone returns to it.”

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