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Логотип телеграм канала @malayam1 — Wayfarer
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Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 594

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Последние сообщения

2022-06-27 19:34:02
Set a time limit

I advise you to always set a time limit for a certain task.
Firstly, this way you don't stretch everything out, but get things done. Secondly, discipline yourself to manage your tasks and rest periods.

Don't work too hard without a break! 40 minutes work, 10 minutes break.
149 views16:34
2022-06-25 13:00:04
Surround yourself with people smarter than you are!

The competition works the same everywhere and even with our brains.

Therefore, if you want to develop more and learn as much as possible, surround yourself with people from whom you will learn something all the time. It is important that these are different areas of life.

Actually, there is a theory that we unconsciously surround ourselves with people with a lower IQ in order to feel more confident.
186 views10:00
2022-06-24 14:17:44
How do we do things when we don't really feel like doing it?

We often put it off for later if we have a task that we're just not excited about, to put it bluntly.

However, even doing this is very easy to solve. Give yourself five minutes for this task. Just 5 minutes is enough time to get involved and get the job done.

It also works very well with children. If they don't want to do something, negotiate with them for 5 minutes. After that, you will see that they get involved in the process, much faster than the adults.
182 views11:17
2022-06-24 10:04:31
Where does the money go?

One of humanity's biggest mysteries, not for everyone.

If you are also asking yourself the same question, this advice is for you.
Financial literacy is where success begins and ends. So keep track of your spending every day.

All you need to do is install an app on your phone where you will enter your data and monitor your spending from your card.
151 views07:04
2022-06-23 20:00:04


Without spendinds
Better than from the store

https://t.me/+wguABYyEvkI0MTE6 - We'll show you how to make everything with your own hands!

More ideas HERE

Become a part of a big FAMILY
164 views17:00
2022-06-23 13:00:02
How do you avoid impulse buying?

I think most of us do it. But I've weaned myself off it, so I'll give you a few working tips too.

1. Make a list of what you need.
2. Don't take large sums with you and put a limit on your card if you don't plan to spend today.
3. Prioritise and don't buy the same things.
4. Before buying, always give yourself 30 minutes to think about it.
5. Never go shopping alone.

Tell us, how often do you make rash purchases?
178 views10:00
2022-06-23 08:20:43
Where does the money go?

One of humanity's biggest mysteries, not for everyone.

If you are also asking yourself the same question, this advice is for you.
Financial literacy is where success begins and ends. So keep track of your spending every day.

All you need to do is install an app on your phone where you will enter your data and monitor your spending from your card.
176 views05:20
2022-06-22 06:18:27
What's a "traffic light" rule?

It's a rule that allows you to classify tasks according to the level of priority and the speed at which they are completed. For this, as usual, I recommend keeping a notebook, or taking notes on your phone.

I can probably already be categorised as a pensioner, because notepads and diaries are my everything

Red is the most important things you can't put off and need to do today.
Yellow is something one or two days can tolerate.
Green is everything else.

By planning it this way, you'll be surprised how much free time you can have.
183 views03:18
2022-06-20 13:00:02
The signs that it's time for you to take a break

We often forget that it's time to tell ourselves "get enough" and take a break.

If you're having trouble noticing this, it's time to take a break
1. You can' t sleep for long, and you wake up a lot.
2. Constantly replaying mistakes, ridiculous situations in your head. 3.
3. Get sick frequently. You are stressed and your immune system is weakened.
4. Constant fatigue and apathy.

If you have all 5 signs, then get some rest!
229 views10:00
2022-06-19 13:00:02
A challenge to pay attention to!

Especially for those who have had a hard day's work and need something to reset themselves.

Here's the task Find one lollipop among the ice cream.
220 views10:00