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2022-11-30 11:55:43 Подборка шаблонов договоров на английском

Может быть для вашей работы они не сильно пригодятся, но в любом случае хорошая практика языка. Можно еще раз попрактиковаться в вокабуляре, структуре юридических предложений и вспомнить грамматику. Это лишним не бывает
112 viewsIana, 08:55
2022-11-30 11:42:52

Meaning: a person who goes to court to make a legal complaint against someone else.

Example: the claimant commenced this action to recover damages that were sustained while working for the defendant.


Meaning: a person who is accused of something in a legal case.

Example: the court's general policy is to impose costs on the respondent.
124 viewsIana, 08:42
2022-11-30 11:23:50 Terms of contract

Terms of contract set out duties of each party under that agreement.

The terms will be of two kinds:
Express terms: these are laid down by the parties themselves;
Implied terms: these are read into the contract by the court on the basis of the nature of the agreement and the parties’ apparent intentions, or on the basis of law on certain types of contract.

Generally, the terms of a contract may be either:
Wholly oral
Wholly written
Partly oral and partly written.

Terms are to be distinguished from statements made prior to the contract being made. Two main types of statement:
A representation about a state of affairs, or
A promise that something will or will not occur in the future.

Either type of statement can become a term of the contract, whether or not they are oral or written, or partly oral and partly written.
123 viewsIana, 08:23
2022-11-30 11:16:34

Meaning: a legal document from a court of law which orders someone to do something or not to do something.

There have been at least seven writs issued against him for late payment of bills.
She has served a writ for libel on the newspaper (= she has delivered it to them officially).
issue/serve a writ: The company served a writ on the newspaper for publishing false accusations.
be served with a writ: The author has been served with a writ which he will be contesting.
122 viewsIana, 08:16
2022-11-29 15:43:49

Meaning № 1: to destroy or damage something.
Example: he said that American military power should never again be vitiated by political concerns.

Meaning № 2: to impair; to make void or voidable; to cause to fail of force or effect; to destroy or annul, either entirely or in part, the legal efficacy and binding force of an act or instrument; as when it is said that fraud vitiates a contract.
Example: a vitiating factor is one which spoils the contract, rendering it imperfect. The standard remedy is rescission, but damages may also be available.
122 viewsIana, edited  12:43
2022-11-29 15:33:11
Типы оговорок в договоре: exemption, exclusion, indemnity…

В статье дают четкие объяснения разных оговорок. В качестве примера:

A non-compete clause is usually found in an employment contract. It prohibits the employee from competing with the employer during a set span of time by either working for a competitor. Usually the clause also describes the region or state in which the employee may not compete as well as the relevant scope of the services and skills. For example, usually the clause also describes the region or state in which the employee may not compete as well as the relevant scope of the services and skills.

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101 viewsIana, 12:33
2022-11-29 15:23:48
Что послушать в дороге? Ответ очевиден - юридические подкасты на английском языке

Подборка подкастов по отраслям права
IP Fridays  
Cyber Law and Business Report

Подборка новостей из мира юриспруденции
Право Великобритании:
Law Pod UK
This Week in Law
UK Law Weekly
Право США:
Amicus With Dahlia Lithwick
Supreme Podcast
Stay Tuned with Preet

Подборка новостей для молодых юристов
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Lawyer Life Podcast
Reboot Your Law Practice
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Legal fact and fiction
Thomson Reuters: Down the Hall with Practical Law  
Lawyerist Podcast
Law Report
$Culture & $Cryptos

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99 viewsIana, 12:23
2022-11-29 15:05:17
Contract law vocabulary

Короткий курс на тему Contract law vocabulary от Пенсильванского Университета.

Видео № 1
Видео № 2
Видео № 3
Видео № 4

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119 viewsIana, 12:05
2022-11-28 14:01:10

Meaning № 1: a legal document ordering someone to appear in a law court.
Example: subpoenas were issued to several government employees.

Meaning № 2: to order someone to go to a law court to answer questions.
Examples: a friend of the victim was subpoenaed as a witness by lawyers representing the accused.
They were subpoenaed to testify before the judge.
123 viewsIana, edited  11:01
2022-11-28 13:58:41
Top-5 Legal Blogs

5 американских блогов на общие юридические тематики, начиная от новостей из мира права и заканчивая юридическим менеджментом. Блоги прекрасно подойдут для изучения и закрепления юридического английского. Кроме того, там много полезных советов по ведению бизнеса.

Здесь можно почитать последние кейсы, изучить статистику, а также послушать подкасты и посмотреть видео на правовые темы.

Above the law
Актуальные новости из мира юриспруденции и юридического бизнеса.

Крайне много практически применимых советов для юридического бизнеса: юридический маркетинг и менеджмент, общение с клиентами, найм сотрудников и стратегии развития.

В этом блоге много статей на темы, связанные с собственностью, финансами и бизнесом. Прекрасное место для того, чтобы прокачать соответствующий вокабуляр.

Legal Reader
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123 viewsIana, 10:58