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🌍 Julia Zarkh Photography

Логотип телеграм канала @juliazarkh_international — 🌍 Julia Zarkh Photography J
Логотип телеграм канала @juliazarkh_international — 🌍 Julia Zarkh Photography
Адрес канала: @juliazarkh_international
Категории: Без категории
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 133

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Последние сообщения

2023-06-06 11:32:49
The art of photography is about balancing light and shadow, contrast and texture to create a visual masterpiece. It's a way of expressing creativity, experimenting with different techniques and styles. Photography is about you, your character and your viewer.
17 views08:32
2023-05-21 22:09:47
I was thinking about photography today and once again realised that photography is a way of telling stories without words, of conveying ideas and emotions through images. It is a universal language that can be understood by different people speaking different languages.
52 views19:09
2023-04-13 23:28:32
On top of everything else, photography has one great quality - it's accessible to almost everyone, regardless of skill level or budget. All you need is a camera or phone, a subject and a willingness to experiment and learn. As one photographer Chase Jarvis said, "The best camera is the one you take with you" and I agree)
12 views20:28
2023-04-04 23:39:06
Photography is all about capturing moments, whether it's a smile, a sunset or a city street. But sometimes the most interesting moments are the ones that are hidden from view, those inner emotions that reveal themselves only when you look closely. Can you understand the inner emotions in this picture?
18 views20:39
2023-03-31 00:52:30
What do you think would happen if you crossed a photographer with an artist? think about it.

OK, now the answer: a light artist! (After all, photography is about "painting with light", so you get a light artist.)
Light artists are also called light designers. (But it's not an illuminator and not a light-operator, it's still more about the technical part). This creative profession uses light sources to "draw" light on stage, creating a colorful and surreal images. In most cases, light artists perform specific tasks set by the director or producer, sometimes creating themselves. The result of their work is to add impact to a show or concert, but in such a gentle way that the audience leaves with a sense of 'wow' without realising what it has been shaped by. And it's a team effort.
19 views21:52
2023-03-28 23:49:54
Friends, if the lens is the camera's eye and the aperture is the pupil, then the shutter is the eyelid. ) These are the three basic whales for photography and creating the right exposure.
Did you know that the word "aperture" comes from the Latin word "apertus", which means "open"? Or that the word "photography" comes from the Greek words "phos" and "grafe", meaning "light" and "pattern"?
9 views20:49
2023-03-25 23:23:09
Photography is the art of capturing light and time in a single frame, freezing a moment in the endless flow of life. Photography is a way to preserve memories, capture history and create beauty out of the ordinary. Photography is a way of feeling, seeing, catching, noticing, loving, knowing. What you catch on camera, your roast bird of the moment, what you can keep forever... photography remembers the little things and details long after one has already forgotten.
7 views20:23
2023-03-23 22:26:17
Photography and painting have a lot in common, such as the use of the fundamental elements of fine art, such as space, line, colour, balance, depth, texture. Both are great ways of capturing a moment in time and preserving it. In addition, both require technical skills from the creator, but the techniques are different. Painters have more freedom to paint what they see and feel, while photographers are limited to how things actually look, but photographers have photoshop, where in processing they show the accents of what they saw in the shot and what they would like the viewer to focus on.
20 views19:26
2023-03-21 23:53:45
Friends, I have a riddle for you!)) The riddle is below, write the answer, as usual, in the comments.

It's a magical thing, for sure -
freezes time.

What is it?
25 views20:53
2023-03-18 22:37:21
Change. Is it bad or good? Change is fear of new things, nerves, extra actions OR opportunities, anticipation of new things, excitement, personal growth. How do you feel about change?
35 views19:37