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Hakseng’s notes

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Язык: Русский
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Based in Istanbul🇹🇷
Sharing my thoughts, experience📝

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Последние сообщения

2021-06-29 18:56:23
Emotional post A very good part of the day everyone. As I have mentioned, I am at Ibrat Camp right now and can’t believe what made me so happy! When I was at 9th grade, organized first ever Girls Development Summit of Chilanzar district. Imagine after…
203 views15:56
2021-06-29 18:53:54 Emotional post

A very good part of the day everyone. As I have mentioned, I am at Ibrat Camp right now and can’t believe what made me so happy!

When I was at 9th grade, organized first ever Girls Development Summit of Chilanzar district. Imagine after few years, I met one of the participants, not just met but I had no clue she was a participant. We had classes early in the morning and I was just sitting, listening to our mentor. She turned out and told among all participants that she had two people in her life who motivated her to learn English. Imagine this was me and her dad After participating in this event, she kept learning not grammar but learning to speak. Although she was elder than me, it didn’t stop her from coming to the event and now she is our mentor! I again reassured that social events help us to grow and be inspired. I am extremely happy to know that I was the reason, Alhamdulillah. When I was at Youth Union TED-Ed, I met one boy who started learning English after talking to me and got his IELTS in a year from almost Elementary level, the score surprised me which was 7 or 7.5( can’t remember exactly ). In addition, I met some of you here

I became so emotional and promised myself that will do my best to share what I know or learn together with you all InShaAllah. Thanking all of you for being with me

With love,
201 views15:53
2021-06-27 13:38:26
Apply for environmental international opportunities! A very good part of the day, everyone Heading to a language camp right now and just wanted to inform you all with the volunteers opportunities. I also will be adding titles for the next posts for your…
250 views10:38
2021-06-27 13:33:06 Apply for environmental international opportunities!

A very good part of the day, everyone Heading to a language camp right now and just wanted to inform you all with the volunteers opportunities. I also will be adding titles for the next posts for your convenience

I am glad to share with you that I became Marketing Director at EnvironmentIE, this not paid just for your reference. I get many messages about it, hence, telling you in advance Yet, the team is from different parts of the world! You may wonder what’s EnvironmentalE is. At EnvironmentalE, we conduct research to provide information on what stand as potential economic-based approaches to prevent an environmental disaster. What I really like is there’s no schedule for being a volunteer! If you would like to be a part of this program. Apply:

If you would like to be interviewed for an international environmental project, Tunza Eco-Generation Network for your environmental volunteering, lemme know in the comments below, please.

Last but not the least, Tunza Eco-Generation has launched Essay Competition. Do participate and get awarded Also, recently they sent me delivery from South Korea for my internship and being regional ambassador of Tunza to Uzbekistan


Just would like to mention that many of you ask how I find out about them. For instance, first one was suggested by my friend Samya from India . Followed by my friend Sagar from Nepal . I found out on my own about Tunza Eco-Generation but was reminded by my friend, sis Khilola . Hence, would like to be a reason to remind and explore Expand your network, by the way

With a bunch of love,
420 viewsedited  10:33
2021-06-25 17:15:58
Assalam’u aleykum, a very good part of the day. Hope you are doing well, and the ones who participated in online webinar, liked it I am glad to start writing what’s going on with me and my social life I participated in 3 MUN conferences as a delegate, co…
162 views14:15
2021-06-25 17:03:09 Assalam’u aleykum, a very good part of the day. Hope you are doing well, and the ones who participated in online webinar, liked it

I am glad to start writing what’s going on with me and my social life I participated in 3 MUN conferences as a delegate, co-chair, and chair ! I met so many amazing peers and elder brothers and sisters I am always asked why I participate in conferences. One of the reasons is to expand my network and brush up my skills. I am always amazed by people I am surrounded by, and obviously one of them is YOU

Lemme share with you some of the videos from conferences, hope this post will be a reason for you to join MUN conference soon

One link for you to check and know all the MUN Conferences around the globe!
178 views14:03
2021-06-24 16:14:49 Assalam’u aleykum everyone. Finally we will start our webinar! Do join!

Topic: IELTS Writing vs Motivational Letters

Time: Jun 24, 2021 06:00 PM Islamabad, Karachi, Tashkent

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 812 3774 8415

121 views13:14
2021-06-07 15:47:00 Hi everyone! Thank you for your interest Due to electricity shut off, the speaker can’t conduct the session, yet once it’s on, he will share a link. Stay blessed
204 views12:47
2021-06-06 21:30:42 A very good part of the day, assalam’u aleykum everyone Can’t even imagine how I missed being here
I received tons of messages and requests to announce many commercial posts Seems I need to announce ads price-list Read till the end what’s waiting for you

In terms of Eid Giveaway, Alhamdulillah, have finished it within a week as some of the winners weren’t in Tashkent and was astonished to meet you all, offline and online I was so happy that it was a destiny for some to win and I was blessed to know that some of the winners were praying and were in du’a to win, and meet These emotions are priceless! I felt somehow being useful to you and sharing what I know through my network

I also have one announcement for you to boost your writing from a young expert who nailed writing part in IELTS(7.5 rare to get ). Let me introduce him, Ozodbek Botiraliev. Right now he is launching a course to improve writing and not only. Also, I believe many of us struggle with writing motivation letters, here’s an amazing opportunity to learn more about!

Tomorrow, on Monday at 6pm GMT+5, he will be sharing his tips and have a free class for Haksengsnotes’ subscribers SPECIALLY to share his experience

Let us know if you have any questions and who will be attending in the comments below, and will share tomorrow the link InShaAllah.
Also, I promise I will share from now on my summer plans and programs I will be attending InShaAllah Will write my experience till today and after. See you tomorrow

With a bunch of love,
268 viewsedited  18:30
2021-05-13 03:04:11
Results of Eid GiveWay Assalam’u aleykum everyone. Eid Mubarak Alhamdulillah, we reached and need to be thankful, hence, kindly ask you all to pray for all of our Muslim brothers and sisters around the globe, especially in Palestine Also, congratulations…
138 views00:04