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Изумительные места Центральной Азии! Представляем вам невероя | GO VIRAL

Изумительные места Центральной Азии!

Представляем вам невероятные места, которые заставят вас сказать «Вау!»


Astonishing places in Central Asia!

Here are some incredible places that will make you say "Wow!"


Cosmic tract Boszhira on the Mangyshlak peninsula.


Jety Oguz gorge is famous for its thermal springs and red rocks.

Ala-Kul is a bright turquoise alpine lake. The road to it lies through the beautiful gorges of Karakol and Altyn-Arashan with their majestic views of the Tien Shan.


The Ark Citadel is the oldest building in Bukhara, it is more than one and a half thousand years old.

The ship graveyard in Muynak - ghosts of the former greatness of the dried up Aral Sea.


Pamir tract - 700 kilometers of high mountain roads through plateaus, bottomless gorges, "Martian plains" and inhospitable mountain deserts of the Pamirs.

Tajik National Park is about 2.6 million hectares of unsurpassed landscapes.