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Ginger Pie | English and everything

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Логотип телеграм канала @gingerpieclub — Ginger Pie | English and everything
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Категории: Образование
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 4
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2022-12-12 20:48:14 Song of the day and a few phrases to learn :

I'll be all out lonely if you all outgrow me
To know with all of this potential should have raised up but I never did...

All out - with all power or resources being used - чрезмерно, изо всех сил

Outgrow - to grow too large or too mature for - перерасти
13 viewsJulia P, edited  17:48
2022-12-07 09:03:16
Just in case
19 viewsJulia P, 06:03
2022-12-05 09:02:01
Merriam-Webster объявили слово 2022 года - Gaslighting
Merriam-Webster announced the word of the year - Gaslighting

The dictionary says: Gaslighting is “the act or practice of grossly misleading someone especially for one’s own advantage.” 2022 saw a 1740% increase in lookups for gaslighting, with high interest throughout the year.

Its origins are colorful: the term comes from the title of a 1938 play and the movie based on that play, the plot of which involves a man attempting to make his wife believe that she is going insane. His mysterious activities in the attic cause the house’s gas lights to dim, but he insists to his wife that the lights are not dimming and that she can’t trust her own perceptions.

Не самое позитивное слово в качестве итога года, но всегда полезно знать о существовании такого явления
21 viewsJulia P, edited  06:02
2022-11-21 06:49:54 This a very funny story how Rosalia asked Harry Styles not to bother her anymore

23 views03:49
2022-11-18 21:05:45 Let's learn cat breeds and remember their pronunciation with Taylor Swift in this video:

Scottish Fold - шотландская вислоухая
Ragdoll - Рэгдолл
Ragamuffin - Рагамаффин
Maine Coon - Мейнкун
British Shorthair - Британская короткошёрстная
Exotic Shorthair - Экзотическая короткошёрстная
American Shorthair - Американская короткошёрстная
Devon Rex - Девон-рекс
Cornish Rex - Корниш рекс
Sphinx Cat - Сфинкс
Abysinian - Абиссинская
Persian - Персидская
Siberian - Сибирская
Burmese - Бурманская
Norwegian forest cat - Норвежская лесная
Ocicat - Оцикет
Bengal - Бенгальская
Bombay cat - Бомбейская кошка
Russian blue - Русская голубая
British blue - Британская голубая
Munchkin cat - Манчкин
Black cat - Черная кошка
Calico cat - Трёхцветная кошка

And that's my favorite:
Cat that knocks pens off the desk....

Actually, it's not a breed but a very good phrase and one of the favourite cats activities.

To knock off - to cause something to fall off of a surface by striking or colliding with it, either intentionally or unintentionally. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "knock" and "off."

Prrrr everyone
25 viewsedited  18:05
2022-11-18 17:46:50
Winter is coming to town
22 views14:46
2022-11-16 14:19:04 Hey guys, I've recently got involved in watching different interviews and discovered a lot of new words and phrases I want to share with you.

Today's video is an interview of BTS' RM and Pharrell Williams!

to poach - to appropriate (something) as one's own

to be blown away - to be impressed very strongly and usually favorably

to channel other people - to convey or direct into or through a channel

to revere - to show devoted deferential honor to; regard as worthy of great honor
21 viewsedited  11:19
2022-10-30 15:30:46 Channel name was changed to «Ginger Pie | English and everything»
2022-10-17 08:46:24
41 views05:46
2022-09-27 12:13:36 https://medium.com/from-stela/three-inspiring-non-native-english-speakers-who-wrote-bestsellers-in-english-6541e85a5e0a
52 views09:13