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Alexei “Lex” Ryan • 1-й New Studios at Wildlife Studios | Ex-R | Ступени Геймдева I

Alexei “Lex” Ryan
• 1-й
New Studios at Wildlife Studios | Ex-Rovio, Ex-343 Industries
2 дн. • Отредактировано • 2 дня назад

One of the largest misconceptions I see in the job seeker vs employer debate is the idea that from the job seeker side: “I could totally do this job, even if I don’t have the right experience, if you give me the chance. The employer is wrong because they can’t see that.”

Maybe that’s true. But as job seekers we have to remember it’s not about “yes or no” on us. It’s about us vs everyone else. If there are a hundred people who could do the job and one job, how do they choose?

Most of the time it’s the person with the most experience. It’s a rough catch 22 on needing experience to get the job and needing a job to get experience. But if you live in a capitalist world, a job is tied to profit. It does not care about your struggle or what’s fair. It only cares if you bring value more than what you cost.

So instead of getting upset at the corporate world if you’re looking for a job, find a creative way to demonstrate clearly your specific value add to an organization and then find a creative way to get their attention. Applying to 500 jobs and hoping is not it.

I was unemployed for nearly 2 years until I got my first game job. I was bitter. I was angry. But I only got my chance once I started choosing myself and making work on my own and networking like crazy. I volunteered to make a game for free in a garage. I attended industry events. I wrote and rewrote my value proposition to a gaming company as someone who only had experience in theme park acting. My first job in the industry was super low pay for crazy high pressure. But I persisted and found creative ways to stand out and make friends. That led me to a wild international career on some of the biggest brands in the world in a very short amount of time. If a guy with high anxiety and imposter syndrome who put on a theme park costume for a living can have a successful career in gaming, anyone can. It’s just going to come from you persisting, keeping a good attitude and getting creative.

So as Peppy Hare from Star Fox would say, “Never give up. Trust your instincts.”

#gaming #jobseekers