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​Kitchen Talks: What does the future hold? August 29, 19:00 | frame

Kitchen Talks: What does the future hold?

August 29, 19:00 – 21:00
Betlemi, 23

They say that people are often afraid of the unknown – and there’s no greater unknown than the future. But while war and political instability has made our own future uncertain, rapid technological developments leave us not only with warnings, but also promises of opportunity and change. From expanding human life to superintelligent AI, from sustainable energy to transforming the old political order, we’re told that strange futures will be here sooner than we think. But how do these promised developments affect how we see our lives now, and is there anything that can give us hope when so much right now seems dark?

Pessimists or optimists, all are welcome. Kitchen Talks combines an English-language discussion group with a space where people with different views come together for dialogue. We invite participants to speak about controversial topics, express their ideas with respect and learn about why people hold diverse beliefs. This group discussion may be attended by people with very different (and potentially uncomfortable) views and we encourage all participants to engage with each other in curiousity and a spirit of openness.

We will be meeting at Dom (Betlemi 23) in the old city and entrance costs 5 lari. Feel free to read the following articles exploring different sides of the topic. As always be aware that outlets generally promote different narratives for specific purposes:

22 ideas about to change our world (Science Focus)

We need to talk about how good AI is getting (NYT)

No death and an enhanced life: Is the future transhuman? (The Guardian)

A world remade? Lessons from the Ukraine war (Geopolitical Monitor) 

To learn more about Kitchen Talk’s approach to dialogue and discussion, feel free to read our primer.

To save your spot, please register though the link that will appear soon. Looking forward to seeing you on Monday!