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Whether that's in a rural developing economy or in an industri | Английские слова

Whether that's in a rural developing economy or in an industrial city in the Midwest, where I was from. I think entrepreneurship can play a part. Not seeing problems as problems but as obstacles that you can SURMOUNT
Будь то в сельской развивающейся экономике или в промышленном городе на Ср. Западе, откуда я родом. Я думаю, что предпринимательство может сыграть свою роль. Не рассматривая проблемы как проблемы, а как препятствия, которые вы можете ПРЕОДОЛЕТЬ

Surmount — преодолевать, превозмогать

If you've outdid yourself and overcome the task, you can say that you've surmounted it

Synonyms: overcome, beat, conquer


Even if we could surmount all of those problems, where would that leave us?
They surmounted the starvation, that was due to the drought.
The life has a lot of obstacles you have to surmount.
We managed to surmount the mountain by 8 p.m. yesterday.
We surmounted all difficulties on the island, including the unexpected tide.

#life #difficulties #learning