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Lying on the floor with your arms at your sides, you're going | Английские слова

Lying on the floor with your arms at your sides, you're going to use one foot to HOIST your hips and squeeze your glutes
Лежа на полу с руками по бокам, вы собираетесь использовать одну ногу, чтобы ПОДНЯТЬ бедра
и сжать ягодицы

Hoist — поднимать, водружать, лебёдка, подъёмник

Synonyms: lift, erect, hang, pick up, crane, elevate

Antonyms: drop, lower


The vault was hoisted up onto the ship.
Give me a hoist onto your shoulders. (Подсади меня)
The crew hurried to hoist the flag.
The captain ordered to hoist the anchor(якорь).
