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The impacts of our growing population and our CONSUMPTION now | Английские слова

The impacts of our growing population and our CONSUMPTION
now directly threaten our own future.

Последствия нашего растущего населения и нашего ПОТРЕБЛЕНИЯ
теперь непосредственно угрожают нашему собственному будущему.

Consumption — потребление, расход, затрата

How to remember
Я CAN(могу) и САМ ПШЕНицу ПОТРЕБЛЯТЬ, помощники мне не нужны

Synonyms: expence, use, spending, intake


Our consumption of milk has run away with us since you arrived.
The meat was inappropriate for consumption.
The consumption of energy is increasing steadily.
To get powerful brawn you should consume a lot of meat.
The tank's high fuel consumtion makes it quite vulnerable.
