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Собеседование при приёме на работу на английском языке Ещё оди | Английский для программистов

Собеседование при приёме на работу на английском языке
Ещё один диалог, пример того, как ускоряет процесс хорошее резюме, наличие нужных компетенций и адекватный работодатель.

— Hello Anna.
— Hello.
— You are applying for an editorial job.
— Yes.
— You have a wonderful resume. Tell me more about your work in the newspaper.
— I started working as a freelance reporter. For the year I grew up to be an assistant editor. My specialization is economic news, interviews with key persons of companies.
— This is exactly what we need. Do you know the conditions that we offer?
— Yes, I read it on the site.
— Are you satisfied with everything?
— Yes, but I would like to have a more flexible schedule.
— Good. If everyone is happy with everything, then congratulations, you are accepted, bring the documents to the personnel department. Welcome to the team.

