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#interplus Hello, sweeties! На днях в сложной ситуации нов | English Gang Streamline

Hello, sweeties!

На днях в сложной ситуации новый знакомый предложил мне свою помощь. Он вёл себя обходительно и вежливо, пока не решил повернуть ситуацию в свою пользу и начать мной манипулировать.

Конечно, не сработало, но в тот момент он показал, кем является на самом деле.

to show/reveal one's true colours (Br spelling)/colors (Am) - to do something which shows what one's real attitudes and qualities are, especially when they are bad.

I thought he was a really sweet guy, but then he got mad and showed his true colors.

It's only in times of crisis that your friends will really show their colors.

There Saruman revealed his true colours, urging Gandalf to help him obtain the Ring for his own use.

Фраза чаще используется в негативном контексте, но может быть и в позитивном:

He's a very good horse and he showed his true colours today.

Have you had any unpleasant cases like mine with people showing their true colours?