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Логотип телеграм канала @eng6reak — coffee-break//eng
Адрес канала: @eng6reak
Категории: Образование
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 9
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Find yourself a great study buddy, share your thoughts with other learners as well and enjoy the atmosphere🇬🇧📚

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Последние сообщения

2023-03-08 08:50:45
Girls, be happy and do whatever you want
I wish you all the happiness
4 views05:50
2023-03-05 19:32:54

Having a hobby is really important for our mental health
And I’m not exaggerating….
Guys just being of sound mind costs a lot

Just try something new and make it your special therapy
5 views16:32
2023-03-05 13:45:09
В твиттере новый тренд

People just do memes with Kevin Hart’s pics and it goes viral
I love it…. No words required
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2023-03-04 16:57:28
#weekends movie/series
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2023-03-01 22:31:49
Как быть, если вы чувствуете, что изучение языков - «не ваше»?

Во первых, вспомните себя детьми, когда мы учили наш родной язык! Мы начинали с алфавита, затем слова, фразы, предложения, заучивание стихов и пересказы!! Но что самое главное, мы все начинали с обычной имитации звуков

В английском то же самое
Представьте себя ребёнком, который не умеет читать. Остаётся только слушать и имитировать!
Конечно, это не единственное, на что нужно обратить внимание, но это именно то, с чего нужно начать

9 viewsedited  19:31
2023-03-01 13:48:12

Look at the title and listen to the song
You already know this word scrub
10 views10:48
2023-03-01 13:47:04 Destiny’s child - Bills, Bills, Bills pt2

You triflin', good-for-nothing type of brother
Silly me, why haven't I found another?
A baller, when times get hard
I need someone to help me out
Instead of a scrub like you
Who don't know what a man's about

Silly - not serious or important, embarrassed, showing little thought. e.g {I feel silly in this dress}. Synonyms - stupid, foolish, dumb
[Urban Dictionary - “stupid in an adorable way”]

Baller - 1) someone who started out from the bottom and have now made it to the top; very rich person, living large 2) someone who plays a ball game, especially basketball

Scrub - loser, someone below your level, who still lives with his mom, doesn’t have a job or a plan. (YOU ALL KNOW THIS SONG “NO SCRUBS” by TLC)

SO, what we have here…
She doesn’t want a guy, who cannot help her out and support her financially
SHE WANTS A GOOD MAN, who knows what to be a man is about, who has
But, unfortunately, she hasn’t found A BALLER, so she is wasting her time by being in a relationship with A SCRUB

10 views10:47
2023-03-01 13:43:54 It’s springtime!
Let’s watch this inspiring video..
Fine yourself a challenge to complete this month
[actually, Leah has a LOT of videos like that, they are extremely beautiful and motivating]

10 views10:43
2023-02-28 17:48:14
Destiny’s child - Bills, Bills, Bills pt. 1

You triflin', good-for-nothing type of brother
Silly me, why haven't I found another?
A baller, when times get hard
I need someone to help me out
Instead of a scrub like you
Who don't know what a man's about

Now, let’s look at some words..
The first one is Trifling
According to Cambridge Dictionary, it means a really small/not important amount of money, e.g {It was such a trifling sum of money to argue about}
Synonyms - negligible, paltry

But if we look up this word in urban dictionary, it says that this word is EXTREMELY overused. Literally it means LAZY or PRODIGAL (wasting money). Frequently used to mean anything from “cheating” to “damage, detriment”

You trifling’, good for nothing type of brother - you are a time-waster, who has no money!

9 views14:48