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Начал разбирать список досок-исследований за 2020 год на are.n | Дизис

Начал разбирать список досок-исследований за 2020 год на are.na, который они включили в свой Are.na Annual — сокровище.

Среди прочих есть доска “Manifestos, Founding documents, User's guides, Calls-to-arms..”, которая собирает в себе 118 блоков с манифестами и гайдами разных студий, учебных организаций, общественных движений, художников и др.

Там можно найти много интересного от “The Critical Engineering Manifesto” до хэндбука Британских сквоттеров.

Для себя наибольшую ценность чувствую не в документах самих по себе, а в доступе к отдельным емким формулировкам, которые находили люди, для того, чтобы поместить в них важный для себя смысл.

И попадаются тексты, изначально адресованные другим, но которые находят во мне сильный легкий отклик, и которые мне легко проецировать как на профессию, так и на жизнь в целом.

Ниже один из десятков документов — “10 RULES FOR STUDENTS AND TEACHERS: JOHN CAGE”

Rule 1:
Find a place you trust, and then try trusting it for

Rule 2:
General duties as a student - pull everything out of your
teacher; pull everything out of your fellow students.

Rule 3:
General duties as a teacher - pull everything out of your

Rule 4:
Consider everything an experiment.

Rule 5:
Be Self Disciplined - this means finding someone wise or
smart and choosing to follow them. To be disciplined is to
follow in a good way. To be self-disciplined is to follow
in a better way.

Rule 6:
Nothing is a mistake. There is no win and no fail.
There is only make.

Rule 7:
The only rule is work. If you work it will lead to
something. It is the people who do all the work all the
time who eventually catch onto things.

Rule 8:
Do not try to create and analyze at the same time. They're
different processes.

Rule 9:
Be happy whenever you can manage it. Enjoy yourself.
It is lighter than you think.

Rule 10:
“We are breaking all the rules, even our own rules and how
do we do that? By leaving plenty of room for X qualities.”

Helpful Hints:
- Always Be Around.
- Come or go to everything.
- Always go to classes.
- Read everything you can get your hands on.
- Look at movies carefully and often.
- Save everything - it may come in handy later.