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​​Highlights from the webinar with CSPO Alexander I   The webi | DigiU

​​Highlights from the webinar with CSPO Alexander I
The webinar was split into 3 main blocks:
EYWA mainnet launch.
Developments of the DigiU Venture Capital Fund.
Snapshot terms and conditions.
At the beginning, Alexander explained why the mainnet launch is so important for the project:
“Going into the mainnet means launching the product. This is a big milestone for us! We have been developing this complex infrastructure product for 1.5 years now, and we are finally launching it into a market where different cryptocurrencies worth billions of dollars are being exchanged. At the moment of the launch, the product enters a different stage according to the venture capital classification: everything before the launch of the product is a seed stage, and everything afterwards is a series A round. At this point, the product needs money for its development, for capturing the market, for marketing, and it is already a different valuation! In addition, at this point the team proved that they are both technically capable of implementing the product and of dealing with any difficulties that may arise along the way.”
Then Alexey Ognev asked what other stages EYWA needs to complete before launching the mainnet.
"In about 2 weeks everything will be ready from the technical side, the full mainnet version will be launched on the main blockchain networks, the approximate dates are 25-26 October. After that, the processes of adding and removing liquidity will need to be tested, so that transactions between different blockchains will move smoothly. I think this will take a week.
After that, the auditing process will start. We need to have it done by hackers who have audited other large companies. So far, the approximate time this process will take is 6 weeks, because we have a lot of code and high security requirements since we will be working with a lot of liquidity.
We should have a report from the auditors by about mid to late December. Then we will place more liquidity and launch the alpha version in the mainnet - the first version of the working product."
At the webinar, Alexey Ognev highlighted the digital avatar technology in the context of the venture capital fund. Next, the founders demonstrated the digital avatar concept and explained what the future holds for this technology, why we chose it, and how the ecosystem can profit from it.
At the end, details of the snapshot, which will be held on 10.10.2022, were announced.
Firstly, only DigiU ecosystem investors will receive tokens. If you haven't invested and only have gift shares, you will not participate in this distribution.
Secondly, if you took an instalment and you have an overdue payment on that instalment, on at least one of the instalments, you are also excluded from the distribution of EYWA tokens in this snapshot. Check that there is no overdue payment in your profile!
Thirdly, if you ever had your instalment plan cancelled, shares from these instalments do not participate in the token distribution.
So how many shares qualify for the distribution?
The figure as of 04.10.2022 was around 125 million DigiU ecosystem shares.
How many EYWA tokens will be distributed?
5,000,000 EYWA tokens.
Alexey Ognev encouraged everyone to take this bonus as seriously as possible and tell all the friends and partners to follow these rules.  
More information from the webinar can be found here https://clck.ru/32G9sT 