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Расшифровка заявления: The court, unfortunately, didn’t or co | Дела у прокурора

Расшифровка заявления:

The court, unfortunately, didn’t or couldn’t understand the substance of the case, with no victim, no damage, and no beneficiary.

The judge simply repeated – word for word – the text from the prosecutor’s case from October 2020, which itself repeated word-for-word the text from the investigator’s preliminary accusation from December 2019.

There were literally hundreds of pieces of evidence submitted in court proving that my colleagues and I acted entirely legally and in the interests of Vostochny Bank. The absence of any crime was confirmed by all the witnesses who testified in court, including even witnesses for the prosecution, as the prosecutors themselves admitted. All of this was ignored.

On the one hand, we have always been realistic and pragmatic about the history and statistics of sentencing. Compared to most cases, receiving a suspended sentence is already almost a victory. But on the other hand, it is simply outrageous to be convicted of a crime that never happened. And the specific conviction on the charge of embezzlement obviously is deeply offensive to me, as a professional in the investment industry with an honest reputation built over 25 years.

So I view the verdict as unfortunate and deeply unfair. I plan to meet with my advocate team, carefully read the full text of the ruling, and decide on our next steps over the following week.