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2023-04-12 08:00:57
Read this extract from the book and answer the question after.

Problem is (follow me closely here, the science is pretty complicated), if I run out of food, I'll die. So, time to create a life-sustaining environment on Mars. I need to grow shit. I need a shitload of shit. So to speak. If I'm going to have any hope of staying alive, I'll have to grow plants. That's not a guess, that's a definite. I'll need calories to keep me going, and plants provide calories. Specifically, potatoes. They're the most calorie-efficient plant I have. I'll need more than potatoes, of course. I'll need vitamins and protein, but I have enough multivitamins and protein concentrate to last me years. What I don't have is calories. So, potatoes it is. The Hab is in the bottom of a crater, which is a mixed blessing. It's bad because it means I'm at the lowest point for hundreds of kilometers in every direction. Any water in the ground will have flowed downhill, which means the water table is likely very deep. But it's good because it means I have a ready-made bowl to trap dirt in. I just need to make it airtight. My best bet for growing crops is the Hab itself. It has over sixty square meters of floor space, and plants could grow quite well there. I'll need to cover the ground with plastic, of course, and I'll need to find a way to make the dirt as rich and fertile as the Earth's soil. But it's a start. The real question is whether there's enough bacteria in the Hab's dirt to do the job. If there isn't, I'll need to find a way to create bacteria from scratch. But I have a plan. I always have a plan.

188 views05:00
2023-04-11 07:50:54
Today, I'm gonna teach you about conditionals using my survival experiences on Mars as examples. Let's make grammar fun!

But first, some quick lifehacks to remember conditionals:

Zero: Facts (A always leads to B)

First: Real possibilities (If A happens, B will happen)

Second: Unreal present/future (If A happened, B would happen)

Third: Unreal past (If A had happened, B would have happened)

Now, let's dive into each conditional with Martian examples:

Zero: "If you expose water to the Martian atmosphere, it evaporates."

Exercise: Think of a universal truth about space travel, and create a zero conditional sentence.

First: "If I find a water source, I'll grow more potatoes."

Exercise: Imagine a possible situation on Mars, and create a first conditional sentence.

Second: "If I could fly, I'd escape Mars just by flapping my arms."

Exercise: Create a second conditional sentence with an unreal or unlikely space-related scenario.

Third: "If I hadn't repaired the rover, I would've been stranded forever."

Exercise: Pick an event from "The Martian," and create a third conditional sentence about an alternative outcome.

Ready to tackle these conditionals like a true Martian? Can't wait to see your creations!

290 viewsedited  04:50
2023-04-10 07:54:35
Hey there! Mark Watney here, your friendly neighborhood Martian.

When you're stranded on Mars, you gotta get creative and face some mind-bending challenges. But don't worry, I've got you covered! Here are some out-of-this-world phrases that'll help you tackle any problem like a true interplanetary survivor!

Nip it in the bud. - Tackling problems early on can prevent them from becoming bigger and more difficult to manage.

Think outside the box. - Encouraging someone to approach a problem from a unique or unconventional angle.

Trial and error. - A problem-solving method that involves testing various solutions until the most effective one is found.

Fail forward. - Learning from failures and using them as stepping stones towards success.

Break it down, build it up. - Analyze a complex problem by breaking it into smaller parts and addressing each part separately.

Sweating the small stuff. - Paying attention to details that may seem insignificant but are crucial for the overall success.

Hit the nail on the head. - Finding the perfect solution to a problem.

Nail it, then scale it. - Find the optimal solution to a problem before scaling it up or applying it to a broader context.

Roll with the punches. - Adapt and adjust to changing circumstances or obstacles when trying to solve a problem.

317 views04:54
2023-04-09 08:00:56

Hey there, space enthusiasts! We're kicking off a new week in our channel on Monday, and this time it's all about Mark Watney from "The Martian" and his incredible problem-solving strategies!

Get ready to dive into the world of conditionals and learn how Mark's survival skills can help us master English grammar!

Let the Martian adventure begin!

Don't miss our past content! Find character-based lessons using these hashtags:

#characters #vocabulary #grammar #reading #listening #writing #WeeklyQuiz
352 views05:00
2023-04-08 06:41:28
Join our knowledge mini-quiz every Saturday, where we'll have quickfire questions to revise our weekly material

Simply hit this link and play
(By the grace of the Seven )

461 views03:41
2023-04-07 17:19:08

It's me, Tyrion Lannister! I invite you to join our fun online talking sessions about the Game of Thrones world and learning English.

This weekend we shall gather to:
Revise grammar (even a Lannister must mind his language)
Debate my witty remarks
Engage in lively discussions about all things Westeros has

We have two levels to accommodate your linguistic prowess:
A2-B1: For new learners
B2-C2: For seasoned maesters ready for a challenge

Zoom | 60 mins | 1000 rub.

Hit the menu in our bot to sign up for the meetings clickety-clack

Please note that spots are limited, so make sure to sign up before the registration deadline on Fridays.

So, my fellow lords and ladies, rally the banners and join us for an unforgettable adventure in the realm of English practice, where even a Lannister is known to pay his debts... in knowledge!

Your humble servant,
Tyrion Lannister
481 views14:19
2023-04-07 06:08:21 Writing Task: "Tweet from Jon Snow's perspective"

Imagine you are Jon Snow, and you just had a conversation with Tyrion Lannister. Write a tweet (max 280 characters) summarizing your thoughts on the advice Tyrion gave you about embracing your identity. Be creative and make sure to capture the essence of their interaction!


Tyrion Lannister, Queen's bro, shared some wisdom today: "All dwarfs may be bastards, yet not all bastards need be dwarfs." Mind. Blown. #Writing #LannisterLifeLessons #BastardBuddies
525 viewsedited  03:08
2023-04-07 06:08:11
510 views03:08
2023-04-06 06:05:22 Jon and Tyrion are having a conversation about their roles in their families and why they've chosen their respective paths.

- Listen to the recording
- Pay attention to the details of the conversation.
510 viewsedited  03:05
2023-04-06 06:05:14
476 views03:05