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​Let’s learn some words! ⠀ So far-до настоящего времени I’ve | Bekker English 🇬🇧

​Let’s learn some words!

So far-до настоящего времени
I’ve read 5 books so far
Goose bumps-мурашки
I’ve goose bumps from this film
To be terrified-быть напуганным
I was terrified of the dentist
He always feels anxious when he’s late
By the way-кстати, между прочем
I’m single by the way
To accuse-обвинять/упрекать
Stop accusing me!
To fire/sack-увольнять
He fired everyone last night
To resign-увольняться, уйти в отставку
My grandfather resigned 2 years ago
Beneficial-выгодный, полезный, прибыльный
This deal is extremely beneficial
Luckily-к счастью
Luckily no one was injured
Catch up-наверстать
In the end I caught up on my homework
Burst out laughing-рассмеяться, поржать
After that joke we burst out laughing
Read aloud-читать вслух
Olga says it’s really important to read aloud
Learn by heart-учить наизусть
I hate learning poems by heart
You need to turn on the crossroad
There is a traffic jam on a highway
I like to take photos of landscapes
Possession-владение, имущество
What’s your best possession?
Jack is selfish and egotistical
When I was in Italy we visited an amazing winery
As I know-насколько я знаю
As I know, Marc and Bella broke up last week
Celebration-торжество (to celebrate)
We’re preparing a big celebration party for your birthday!
Break the rules-нарушать правила
You mustn’t break the rules
I want to change and be less insecure
Slow down-замедлиться, снизить темп
You’re driving too fast! Can you slow down, please?
Disgusting-отвратительный, противный
I’m sorry, but this food is disgusting
Gambler-азартный игрок
Poker drives him crazy, because he’s a gambler
Oh, come on! It’s obvious
His company has faced with absorption
She’s obsessed with her appearance
Why is your girlfriend so capricious?
Sly-хитрый, ловкий, коварный
Your ex is such a sly
Miserable-жалкий, убогий
The weather is miserable in winter