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English with Arina 🇺🇸

Логотип телеграм канала @arrstudies — English with Arina 🇺🇸 E
Логотип телеграм канала @arrstudies — English with Arina 🇺🇸
Адрес канала: @arrstudies
Категории: Блоги
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 384
Описание канала:

about career path, self-development, studies, and entering foreign university (the USA)
creator - @shevchennko
chat of this channel - https://t.me/ Do_Sm8A2JABmMmMy

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Последние сообщения

2022-08-16 17:05:55
Do you know these idioms?

140 views14:05
2022-08-16 07:39:55
Pronunciation Challenge

246 views04:39
2022-08-15 13:26:46
A2 vs. C1
Improve your vocabulary!

420 views10:26
2022-08-15 07:58:53 English with Arina pinned a photo
2022-08-15 07:58:43
Who I am

Hey! If it's the first time you're here, so you're welcome. I'm gonna answer some basic questions about myself

> How old are you?
I'm 18 years old

> Where are you from?
I'm from Orenburg (Russia) but I'm currently living in Moscow

> Which university do you study?
I'm a freshman of MSLU. I study at the faculty of linguistic and my second language of learning is Spanish

> What do you do?
I'm an English tutor of all ages. I teach online (Zoom/Skype)

> How long have you been learning English?
I've been an English-learner for 5 years

> Do you want to enter foreign university, doesn't it?
Despite the fact that I'm getting bachelor degree at Russian university at the same time I'm preparing documents to enter American University

> Are you going to pass international exams?
I have to pass some international exams (SAT, IELTS). This place is perfect to inform you about my way

This channel is all about self-development. I always post content that can be useful for you, guys!
659 views04:58
2022-08-12 18:11:31
Unfortunately, there could be situations when you just have to use such words

STOP saying «stupid»
664 views15:11
2022-08-12 15:15:44
It's a poster with my age in weeks

1 week = 1 (square)
It looks scaring, doesn't it? I found a tg-bot with such function and no, it's not an advertising post ahah

When you see such picture and realise how little time we all have, it seems like envy, anger and other negative emotions don't matter any more. Just a little reminder: stay kind and enjoy what you're doing

p.s. btw, I've lived on Earth for 940 weeks
612 viewsedited  12:15
2022-08-12 08:31:59
STOP saying «intelligent»

p.s. be ready! as in the evening we're going to learn some new synonymous to the word «stupid»

524 viewsedited  05:31
2022-08-11 06:56:48
The books I was talking about

p.s. fav books that I've read in Russian are in the comments
526 views03:56