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a considerable/significant number of > many Это правило вполн | 👁 Final Eye: блог о редактуре ИТ/медпереводов и копирайтинге/техписательстве

a considerable/significant number of > many

Это правило вполне хорошо применимо для ИТшных предложений, но ограниченно пригодно для медицинских.
Дело в том, что слово significant в медицинских контекстах имеет статистический смысл - т.е. [статистически] значимый, реже [клинически] значимый.
Специалисты по Academic Writing из медицинской сферы рекомендуют вообще избегать слово significant, если оно используется не в статистическом смысле.

Таким образом, перед заменой на many убедитесь, что никакого отношения к статистике слово significant не несет:
Hypertension contributes to the development of HF in a SIGNIFICANT number of patients, including most patients with CAD.


• However, the Job objects still exist in the Kubernetes database, and once there are a significant number of completed Jobs, this can affect API performance. > there are many completed jobs ...

• One potentially useful partitioning scheme is to use a key that generates a significant number of small elements. > ...many small elements ...

• If there are a considerable number of tissue chips to remove, this process may take some time to complete. > ... many tissue chips ...

• This is a very vascular area that has a considerable number of veins, which are often traumatized during nose picking. ... > that has many veins ...

• The outcome from acute severe asthma is generally good but a considerable number of deaths occur in young people and many are preventable. > ... many deaths occur ...

