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В сети сейчас во всю обсуждают прошедшую церемонию Оскара, кто | Afternoontea & English

В сети сейчас во всю обсуждают прошедшую церемонию Оскара, кто-то называет ее «the worst Oscars ever» все из-за награды за лучшую мужскую роль, которую получил Энтони Хопкинс Давайте почитаем, в чем же дело:

The Oscars ended in chaos — not only did the late Chadwick Boseman lose Best Actor, where he was heavily expected to win for his final role in Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom, but the win went to Anthony Hopkins, who wasn’t even in attendance, for The Father. Hopkins eventually accepted his trophy the next morning from his homeland of Wales, posting a short countryside video to his Instagram. “At 83 years of age, I did not expect to get this award, I really didn’t,” a shocked Hopkins said. Not only is the trophy Hopkins’s second, after winning for The Silence of the Lambs in 1992, the win makes him the oldest acting Oscar winner ever. Hopkins’s trophy was the second of the night for The Father, which also won Best Adapted Screenplay.

late — покойный
to be heavily expected — очень ожидаемый
the win — победа
to be in attendance — присутствовать

Обратите внимание на конструкцию not only… but also — не только…но и...
Если мы ставим ее в начало части сложного предложения, то случается инверсия. Вспомогательный глагол стоит перед подлежащим, а сказуемое после него. В некоторых случаях but и also могут опускаться:

Not only did the late Chadwick Boseman lose Best Actor…but the win went to Anthony Hopkins
Not only is the trophy Hopkins’s second…the win makes him the oldest acting Oscar winner ever

Hopkins acknowledged his fellow nominee, who died from colon cancer last August, at 43. “I want to pay tribute to Chadwick Boseman, who was taken from us far too early,” he said. Boseman won all of the precursor awards, including at the Golden Globes and Screen Actors Guild Awards, with his widow Simone giving emotional acceptance speeches at each; Oscars producers even shifted the traditional order of awards to give Best Actor last, presumably hoping to end on an emotional tribute to Boseman. And hours later, not even Hopkins himself could get over the surprise of his upset. “Again, thank you all very much,” he said with a laugh. “I really did not expect this, so I’m very privileged and honored.”

acknowledge — признавать
colon cancer — рак толстой кишки
pay tribute — принести благодарность; воздать должное
precursor awards — предшествующие награды
widow — вдова
acceptance speech — благодарственная речь
shift the traditional order — поменять традиционный порядок
presumably — предположительно


Все Оскарские фильмы в этом году прошли мимо меня, поэтому буду рада вашим рекомендациям, что смотрели, что понравилось