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Zurich Helps Ukraine 🇺🇦

Логотип телеграм канала @zh_helps_ukraine — Zurich Helps Ukraine 🇺🇦 Z
Логотип телеграм канала @zh_helps_ukraine — Zurich Helps Ukraine 🇺🇦
Адрес канала: @zh_helps_ukraine
Категории: Путешествия
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 7.04K
Описание канала:

Non-profit association with a purpose of helping Ukrainian refugees in Zurich.
Главный информационный канал Цюриха

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Последние сообщения 8

2022-06-07 18:31:50 Центр выдачи гуманитарной помощи Zurich helps Ukraine в Цюрихе ждёт вас 11 июня.

Предварительная регистрация обязательна. Ссылка на регистрацию будет на нашем канале сегодня.

С 1 июня проезд стал платным для некоторых наших волонтёров, с этим связано следующее нововведение:

Каждая группа предметов помощи будет стоить символически 1 франк

Например, 3 предмета гигиены, которые вам необходимы - это 1 франк, который будет потрачен на билет для волонтера. Или памперсы и влажные салфетки для ребёнка - это тоже 1 франк, который даст возможность другому человеку вам помогать.

И, что важно, в этот раз вы сможете по желанию получить 2 пакета гигиены (6 предметов) в одни руки.

До встречи в субботу!
4.1K views15:31
2022-06-07 18:31:01
Dear donators,

On 11 June we plan next give away of all collected humanitarian aid to refugees from Ukraine.

We continue to collect this week: Wednesday (14-19) and Friday (17-19).

One change due to paid public transport from 1 June: we will charge 1 CHF for each group of items to finance tickets to Manegg of some of our volunteers. E.g. 1 set of hygiene (3 items) will cost 1 CHF.

All collected money will be spend on railway tickets for some volunteers.

Hope to see you at Manegg this week! Thank you for helping and spreading a word that help is still so needed!

Questions and suggestions: Zurichhelpsukraine@gmail.com
4.0K views15:31
2022-06-07 08:41:20 Для тех, кто подавал на позицию в UZH и в принципе тем, кто ищет работу. Очень хороший фидбек, о том, как в Швейцарии подают свои резюме (от hiring manager, которая изначально и разместила позицию):

Over the last few days, I've been receiving applications for research assistant jobs. I would like to summarise several issues of the application package that reduce a candidate's chances. Many of these are applicable also outside of academia:

You need to send all documents required by the job posting. If you do not have some of them, describe shortly why a particular document is missing and whether you will be able to provide it later. Otherwise, your application is not complete and most likely will not be considered at all.

Follow the requirements for document length. If the resume is max. 3 pages, then it should be so. Otherwise, one might think that you are inattentive.

If the job specifies to whom the documents should be addressed to, then refer exactly to this person or group of persons in the greeting. Only if it doesn’t, you can use 'To whom it may concern' or similar.

From personal experience: I am managing the project and recruiting for the project team (and written in the first place in the job description). Together with a (male) colleague (of the same academic level) who is involved in the project, we receive and review applications. It puzzles me when the greeting is addressed to my colleague only. In the best case I think the applicant is inattentive; in the worst case I think they have some gender bias. What would you choose?

Follow the guideline on how you should submit your application. I posted the position on many resources, some allow users send documents to an employer. My job posting states that the application should be submitted via email though. The chance that documents sent through the wrong channel will be considered is low.

Trivial, but: your cover letter and resume should be modified to show you fit the position, why you are interested in it and how you want to contribute.

Almost a deadly sin: mixing up the employer's name you are applying to - most likely happens when standard letters are sent out.

Errors in the text, grammatical or spelling errors, double spaces or other "stray" punctuation marks. We all make mistakes, but even if the job language is native to you, proofread your documents. If it's not your native language, all the more so. It could be a professional proofreading service or just your friends or colleagues you trust.

Visual messiness: documents should look clean and well-structured. You don't need fancy fonts or colorful, creative templates. Simplicity and neatness.

If you have publications in a foreign language and you send your list of publications to places where this language is certainly not understood - translate the publication list and indicate the language of the original.

If you are asked for scans of documents (for example, diplomas), then do not send their photos (especially on couches or with manicures in the picture). There are now many apps that make a neat document out of a photo - use them.

I hope that these tips will be useful.
4.8K views05:41
2022-06-04 16:56:41 Has anyone a vacuum cleaner to donate/lend for the upcoming days to Manegg?
3.3K viewsedited  13:56
2022-06-04 13:53:30
We are still accepting donations today and in the upcoming days.


Further opening times + bank account details + what we are still collecting, are attached

970 views10:53
2022-06-03 19:15:35 Dear friends,

We may need a few volunteers to keep the good work in Manegg.

We need people for accepting and sorting donations on the days we are open and those who can help us on the giveaway days (always on Saturdays).

If you’d be up to help us, please chat us here:
- your name
- language spoken (English must, ru/ukr is helpful but not necessary)

For instance, you could try helping us out tomorrow or Wednesday (14:00-19:00). But please do write us first here, so we can confirm your participation.
1.8K views16:15
2022-06-03 11:11:09
Research assistant positions at UZH are open

If you feel like you can meet the criteria, simply send your cv and contact details to zurichhelpsukraine@gmail.com.

Please use the subject line: UZH application
2.6K views08:11
2022-06-02 18:59:25 Day pass for friends

Что это такое: 1 билет на весь SBB, GA транспорт по всей Швейцарии, которым могут пользоваться до 4 (включая Вас) человек
Сколько: 80 франков за 1 день, что в пересчете на человека получается 20 франков на путешествие по всей стране на сутки

- покупаете на конкретную дату и ее поменять нельзя
- обязательно должен ехать с вами человек, купивший day pass – передавать нельзя
- нужен half fare (пробный тоже подойдет)

Купить можно до 30 июня на все лето: на даты до 31 августа кроме 4-6 июня
4.3K views15:59
2022-06-02 13:57:52 Новые правила про поездки в Украину и переезд между странами Шенгена, 02.06.22

Государственный секретариат по миграции (SEM) решил, что он может аннулировать статус защиты S лиц, покинувших Украину, если они вернутся в свою страну на срок более 15 дней в квартал. То же самое применяется, если они находятся в третьей стране более двух месяцев.

Кроме того, SEM решил, что бинациональные пары не будут иметь права на статус защиты S в Швейцарии, если один из них имеет гражданство государства-члена ЕС/ЕАСТ, Великобритании, Канады, США, Новой Зеландии или Австралии.

Более того, лицу, которому уже была предоставлена защита в другом шенгенском государстве, не будет предоставлен статус защиты S в Швейцарии.

Источник: https://www.admin.ch/gov/en/start/documentation/media-releases.msg-id-89100.html
4.0K views10:57
2022-06-01 10:03:17
1. We are re-opening for donations
2. We have a bank account now!

Good morning dear friends and donators! We are pleased to inform you that we are still continue accepting donations at Maneggstrasse 17. Please check opening times on the banner attached.

Moreover, our association (if you weren’t aware, we are a registered Verein) has finally opened a bank account and we are accepting monetary donations. All the bank details are in a flyer attached.

Additionally: we do have an option to help Ukrainians in Ukraine. So if you want to donate money to help locals in Ukraine directly, please either chat us here or reach out to us via zurichhelpsukraine@gmail.com for further details.

Thank you for being with us!

2.5K views07:03