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27.08 - 224 people from Ukraine visited our hub and received h | Zurich Helps Ukraine 🇺🇦

27.08 - 224 people from Ukraine visited our hub and received help: clothes, shoes, kitchen utensils and bed linens, toys, books and stationery, bags, hygiene and food bags.

We are very thankful to you, donators, who are tireless and open to help. No matter how much or many you donated, you helped more than one person, be sure!

Special thanks this time goes to companies, brands and group of people:

Smelly and Concoeur clothing for warm hoodies: https://instagram.com/concoeur.clothing?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

Vlada and her SmilePhoto: https://instagram.com/smilephoto.ch?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

Kinderkrippe Bambi for many useful stuff for kids: https://www.kinderkrippe-bambi.ch/de/

Sasha Gorodilova for toys: https://www.facebook.com/gorodilova.sasha

What is next

We see that help is STILL needed. BUT we could not continue as it is. We need to change the approach and experiment further to be efficient.

We are on our way and WE probably as always WOULD NEED YOUR HELP. So stay tuned

Thank you! Дякуємо! Спасибо! Merci! Vielen Dank!