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WHY is the Great Wall of China called the longest cemetery? | Why?

WHY is the Great Wall of China called the longest cemetery?

The Great Wall of China is the largest architectural monument ever built by human hands. Its total length (together with its branches) is almost 9 thousand kilometers (however, some researchers argue that the length of the Great Wall of China actually exceeds 21 thousand kilometers). The width of the wall makes from 5 to 8 meters, height - about ten meters.

A huge number of people were involved in the construction: peasants, criminals, soldiers, the latter also protected workers from nomadic attacks and ensured that workers did not run away from the construction site.

During the construction of the Chinese Wall, due to diseases, accidents or other causes, millions of people died and were buried within the walls of the Chinese Wall, so it is also called - The Longest Cemetery of the World or the Wall of Tears.