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8 продвинутых промптов для ChatGPT, которые забустят вашу карь | Бэкдор

8 продвинутых промптов для ChatGPT, которые забустят вашу карьеру. С ними чатбот сможет многое — даже выбьет вам зарплату повыше! Сохраняем промпты:

Карьерная консультация:
I am interested in exploring different career options and would like guidance on how to choose a career path that is right for me. You should questions, one question each conversation, interactively to learn about my background

Переговоры о зарплате:
Act as a professional salary negotiating email writer. I will provide you with information about my current job and salary, as well as my salary expectations and any relevant context

Идеи для создания стартапа:
Write down 3 startup ideas in B2B SaaS. These ideas should be very interesting and use artificial intelligence. The idea should be compelling so that investors will invest millions

Стратегия нетворкинга:
I want to build a strong network in the [вписать сферу]. Could you guide me on where to start, how to approach industry professionals, and maintain these connections for the long term?

Построение личного бренда:
I am aiming to build a personal brand in the [вписать сферу]. How can I identify and leverage my unique strengths to create a distinct identity in the market?

Разрешение рабочих конфликтов:
I am facing a conflict at work with a [описать ситуацию с коллегой]. Can you help me navigate this situation and find a resolution?

Профессиональный рост:
I want to focus on my professional development in the field of [вписать сферу или профессию]. Could you guide me on the courses to take, books to read, or podcasts to listen to?

Продуктивная работа на удалёнке:
I am working remotely in a role related to [вписать работу и сферу]. Could you suggest ways to maintain productivity and a healthy routine?
