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Логотип телеграм канала @vxunderground — vx-underground
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Категории: Технологии
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 34.45K
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The largest collection of malware source, samples, and papers on the internet.
Discussion: t.me/vxugchat
Password: infected

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Последние сообщения 6

2022-05-10 14:58:03
Windows 8 introduced "IsNativeVhdBoot", to determine if the machine was booted from a Virtual Hard Disk.

The function, located in Kernel32.dll, forwards to NTDLL!NtQuerySystemInformation with the flags SystemPrefetchPathInformation and SystemHandleInformation.
2.1K views11:58
2022-05-10 14:07:03
Lance R. Vick bought the expired domain name for the 'foreach' NPM package maintainer. He now controls the package which 2.2m projects depend on.

Information via Florian Roth
2.1K views11:07
2022-05-10 11:59:45
vx-underground statistics:

Malware database unique binaries: 3,399,419
Average binary uploads daily: 65,000+-
Total binaries submitted to Triage: 718,361
Total binaries available for bulk download: approx. 35,000,000
Data delivered daily: 2TB+-
2.1K views08:59
2022-05-09 18:09:29
We've updated the vx-underground Archive page. We now list 100 "Dark web" sites.

This list is archived regardless if the group or domain is active or not. We will expand this list accordingly as time goes on.

Check it out here: https://www.vx-underground.org/archive.html#dark_web_sites
3.2K views15:09
2022-05-09 14:51:49
According to the FBI's 2021 Internet Crime Report (IC3 Statistics), Business E-Mail Compromise was responsible for more than 1/3rd of all cyber crime and yielded x49 more money than ransomware. Although the FBI notes ransomware is under reported.

Ransomware: $49.2m
BEC: $2.4b
2.1K views11:51
2022-05-09 14:36:36
We've updated the vx-underground Windows paper collection

- Alternate Method Of Contacting IPV4
- Crashing Windows by Abusing NtRaiseHardError
- DeviceEject UAC Bypass
and more...

Check it out here: https://www.vx-underground.org/windows.html
2.2K views11:36
2022-05-05 16:47:16
Yesterday an individual on Breached, the successor to the infamous RaidForums, proclaimed their disdain for HIVE ransomware group and leaked login credentials for an affiliate in HIVE.
1.4K views13:47
2022-05-05 11:15:44 Remember when a Threat Actor developed ransomware for Chastity Belts and was "cock locking"? vx-underground remembers.

*source code to "Cock Lock" is archived on the vx-underground GitHub repository.
1.2K views08:15
2022-05-04 21:39:30
ESET anti-virus calls out Cluster25 Threat Intelligence on Twitter, claims they have done bad research and they cannot be trusted
561 views18:39
2022-05-04 15:14:36
We've updated the vx-underground APT collection.

Date: 2022.05.03
Title: Link between a destructive malware and a ransomware-gang linked custom loader: IsaacWiper vs Vatet
Description: Attached image

Paper and samples are available for download here: https://samples.vx-underground.org/APTs/2022/2022.05.03(1)/
946 views12:14