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We've updated the vx-underground APT collection && the bulk do | vx-underground

We've updated the vx-underground APT collection && the bulk download collection.

An additional 65,000+ samples are available for bulk download here: https://samples.vx-underground.org/samples/Blocks/

New APT additions available here: https://www.vx-underground.org/apts.html#2022

2022.04.27/Stonefly: North Korea-linked Spying Operation Continues to Hit High-value Targets
2022.05.06/APT28: CredoMap_v2 (CERT-UA #4622)
2022.05.07/Mass distribution of JesterStealer malware using chemical attack themes (CERT-UA # 4625)
2022.05.09/NukeSpeed: From The DPRK With Love
2022.05.12/Lazarus distributes trojanized sqlite library
2022.05.12/Network Footprints of Gamaredon Group
2022.05.16/Wizard Spider Group In-Depth Analysis
2022.05.16/Custom PowerShell RAT targets Germans seeking information about the Ukraine crisis
2022.05.16/Operation Dragon Breath (APT-Q-27) targeting the Gaming Industry
2022.05.17/Space Pirates: analyzing the tools and connections of a new hacker group
2022.05.19/ITG23 Crypters Highlight Cooperation Between Cybercriminal Groups
2022.05.19/Twisted Panda: Chinese APT espionage operation against Russian’s state-owned defense institutes
2022.05.20/Mustang Panda continuing their attack activities against organizations in Vietnam

**No photo because I accidentally hit enter =D