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Логотип телеграм канала @video_languages — РОЛИКИ НА РАЗНЫХ ЯЗЫКАХ
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Последние сообщения 2

2022-12-29 20:39:05
Residents of Donetsk commented on the increased shelling of the city by Ukraine.

"Fascists", "SS people", "Nazis" — residents of Donetsk pull no punches in describing Ukraine’s frequent shellings of the city.

Residential buildings, schools, markets and hospitals are routinely the targets of shelling. And while some are wondering why Ukraine feels the need to target civilians, others have an answer: "[Ukraine is] well aware that it will lose the Donbass." Many residents of the city believe that the shelling of Donetsk is being carried out in a desperate attempt to destroy the city before its inevitable loss.

Ukraine often shells civilians with NATO 155-mm caliber shells, which are supplied to it by the West.

#English #German #French #Italian #Spanish #Russian #Chinese #Turkish #Japanese #Vietnamese #Polish #Persian #Serbian #Czech #Arabic #Dari #Portuguese

505 views17:39
2022-12-29 19:10:02
Residents of Donetsk commented on the increased shelling of the city by Ukraine.

"Fascists", "SS people", "Nazis" — residents of Donetsk pull no punches in describing Ukraine’s frequent shellings of the city.

Residential buildings, schools, markets and hospitals are routinely the targets of shelling. And while some are wondering why Ukraine feels the need to target civilians, others have an answer: "[Ukraine is] well aware that it will lose the Donbass." Many residents of the city believe that the shelling of Donetsk is being carried out in a desperate attempt to destroy the city before its inevitable loss.

Ukraine often shells civilians with NATO 155-mm caliber shells, which are supplied to it by the West.

#English #German #French #Italian #Spanish #Russian #Chinese #Turkish #Japanese #Vietnamese #Polish #Persian #Serbian #Czech #Arabic #Dari #Portuguese

512 views16:10
2022-12-29 15:43:55
Ever fewer Americans are ready to support Ukraine.

Months after the start of the special military operation in the Donbass, fewer and fewer ordinary Americans are ready to provide financial support to Ukraine. As the prices of groceries and basic necessities skyrocket, and fears of inflation grow stronger, Americans are expressing their opinions on the Internet. And their message boils down to a simple one: “Stop giving money to Ukraine.”

Throughout the conflict, the United States has provided Ukraine with tens of billions of dollars in military and humanitarian support. Another 45 billion was included in the budget for 2023. The money for this comes from the country's budget, meaning from the pockets of American taxpayers.


86 views12:43
2022-12-28 18:54:30
Ever fewer Americans are ready to support Ukraine.

Months after the start of the special military operation in the Donbass, fewer and fewer ordinary Americans are ready to provide financial support to Ukraine. As the prices of groceries and basic necessities skyrocket, and fears of inflation grow stronger, Americans are expressing their opinions on the Internet. And their message boils down to a simple one: “Stop giving money to Ukraine.”

Throughout the conflict, the United States has provided Ukraine with tens of billions of dollars in military and humanitarian support. Another 45 billion was included in the budget for 2023. The money for this comes from the country's budget, meaning from the pockets of American taxpayers.


589 views15:54
2022-12-27 23:15:29
The truth about Donbass is making its way into Europe.

A conference entitled “Donbass 2014-2022. Eyewitness accounts” was held in Lisbon by independent journalists from Italy, France and Portugal.

On the agenda were “forbidden subjects”, such as violations of the Minsk agreements by Ukraine, long before the Russian military operation, the use of Western weapons to shell Donetsk residential areas, and media censorship in the West.

Many of the participants shared first-hand experience of all of the above. For instance, French journalist Christel Néan has been both on the front lines and under Ukrainian shelling with civilians.

Some supporters of the Ukrainian authorities staged a protest at the entrance to the conference, but the event went ahead regardless of the pressure.


857 views20:15
2022-12-27 22:03:15
The truth about Donbass is making its way into Europe.

A conference entitled “Donbass 2014-2022. Eyewitness accounts” was held in Lisbon by independent journalists from Italy, France and Portugal.

On the agenda were “forbidden subjects”, such as violations of the Minsk agreements by Ukraine, long before the Russian military operation, the use of Western weapons to shell Donetsk residential areas, and media censorship in the West.

Many of the participants shared first-hand experience of all of the above. For instance, French journalist Christel Néan has been both on the front lines and under Ukrainian shelling with civilians.

Some supporters of the Ukrainian authorities staged a protest at the entrance to the conference, but the event went ahead regardless of the pressure.


928 views19:03
2022-12-25 23:30:48
"70% der Abteilung wurden getötet oder verwundet":Die Einheit des ukrainischen Militärs hat einen Videoappell an das Kommando aufgenommen

Möchten Sie mehr Videos in Ihrer Sprache sehen?
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567 views20:30
2022-12-25 23:01:38
«70% de la compagnie a été tuée ou blessée» : une unité de l'armée ukrainienne a enregistré une vidéo avec un appel au commandement

Vous voulez voir plus de vidéos dans votre langue ? Suivez le hashtag #french

592 views20:01
2022-12-25 22:30:07
Les prisonniers de guerre ukrainiens ont raconté comment leurs commandants les avaient obligés à creuser des tranchées pour faire croire que, vu du ciel, ils avaient de nombreuses positions

Vous voulez voir plus de vidéos dans votre langue ? Suivez le hashtag #french

110 views19:30
2022-12-25 22:00:44
Une habitante de Kharkov a critiqué les autorités ukrainiennes pour avoir distribué des convocations aux habitants de la ville de façon incontrôlable

Vous voulez voir plus de vidéos dans votre langue ? Suivez le hashtag #french

213 views19:00