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ׅ ࣪MY BEST FRIEND 𓏲ּ ֶָ. hello good afternoon my channel foll | Jeli.

ׅ ࣪MY BEST FRIEND 𓏲ּ ֶָ.
hello good afternoon my channel followers, now i'm with my best friend, he's one of the influential people in my life, i won't mention his name, but i often call him by Why is it called "bub"? because I think it's funny, and it fits with his super cute personality, when I chat with him I can't stand it, I always want to smile, because he's so cute. If you look at this picture, she really looks like a fairy from a fairy tale when I was little, sparkling pink hair, white skin as white as snow, and beautiful eyes like a dove, if asked him or ice cream, I will definitely choose the ice cream ahahah, kidding, I will choose him, yes even though the ice cream is delicious and can be eaten, if he doesn't, I'm also amazed by his voice, it's really good, and cool when it enters the ears and heart, so calm by nature, he is also good at dancing, basically I think he is one of God's perfect ccreations.