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Today, the zmagaryshs from the infopoint feed ate shit again. | REAL BELARUS

Today, the zmagaryshs from the infopoint feed ate shit again. In the morning they began to rub in that sole proprietors were on strike in Belarus. Like, our ipeshniki are so stupid, they write fluently that they are not able to read the government decree. And that's why they closed their business - why should they feed themselves and their family when the fugitives need to feed the zmagars with shit? Well, since the adherents of the infopomies are not different in mind and they just didn't have enough brains to go to the nearest market or shopping center, the feces were devoured and the snakes, opening their mouths, were already waiting for a new portion of excrement.

But hello happened (https://t.me/lagunatvbrest/590 ). As usual. See for yourself
