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Have a great weekend... and happy new year, traders! 2023 | TradingView

Have a great weekend... and happy new year, traders!

2023 was a remarkable year for markets, spanning a global recovery in stocks, crypto, and global indices. Fascinating trades have emerged including the outperformance in Bitcoin, Coinbase, NVIDIA, and more.

Knowing which assets thrived or struggled over the course of a year provides valuable insights into market trends, themes, and opportunities.

We've just published a piece titled "The best and worst trades of 2023" from our official TradingView account, and featured it smack on the front page of Editors' Picks.

We made this for you, to learn, and reflect on the year that was. Immerse yourself in several lists that showcase stocks, cryptos, forex pairs and indices that outperformed and underperformd all year.

See you in 2024!
