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Software Engineer – $3000-7000 JasonHealth company, remote W | Senior Помідор

Software Engineer – $3000-7000

JasonHealth company, remote

We are looking for Software Engineer to join Silicon Valley healthcare startup. We make medical laboratory testing affordable and accessible to all US consumers.

Our principle is your engineering mindset is first, known technology is second.

Required Experience:
– 2+ years of experience with Elixir, Ruby, R or Python
– Experience with PostgreSQL
– Experience with UNIX

Why work with us:
– Top-tier engineering team with mentoring opportunity
– Work directly with our CEO, who is a Stanford-educated software engineer himself
– Solve complicated technical problems
– Help build the Amazon of healthcare
– Culture of data-driven meritocracy: may the best idea win
– Remote-first team, with total flexibility as to when and how you work

Send your questions or CV to Kate
Telegram: @katyalevoshko
E-mail: kate.levoshko@verybusy.org.ua