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Trend Maker

Логотип телеграм канала @tmaker — Trend Maker T
Логотип телеграм канала @tmaker — Trend Maker
Адрес канала: @tmaker
Категории: Без категории
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 1
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2022-03-07 12:02:39 Russia-Ukraine crisis puts pressure on microchip supply chain

The already-stretched semiconductor industry is expected to suffer more interruptions from the current conflict in Eastern Europe, as Ukraine and Russia provide the bulk of the world’s supplies of neon and palladium, vital for the production of microchips.

Neon, critical for the lasers used to make chips, is a by-product of Russian steel manufacturing. It is then purified in Ukraine. Palladium is used in sensors and memory, among other applications.

The current global chip shortage will worsen if the standoff persists as more than 40% of the world’s supply of palladium comes from Russia, while Ukraine produces 70% of the global supply of neon, according to Moody’s Analytics.


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2022-02-01 17:29:34
The adult conscious mind sensing mechanism is known to be picking up about 40 bits of data (sensory signals) per second, whereas a baby in a womb perceives 40 million bits of data (2 to 4 crores of signals per second).
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