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Source codes and documentation for the Telegram Open Network b | News of Telegram

Source codes and documentation for the Telegram Open Network blockchain platform.

Simultaneously with the letter to investors, the TON team posted on its official website the documentation and source codes of the testnet network. At the moment, anyone can try to run their own TON node and inform the developers about the found problems.

Let us explain in order what you can find on the page of the TON site:

— Source code TON Blockchain Test Network Lite Client;
— Configuration file for TON Blockchain lite client;
— General information for installing Lite Client TON;
— Step-by-step instructions on creating a smart contract (simple wallet) using the Lite Client;
— TON Whitepaper - dated March 2, 2019;
— Document on the TON virtual machine;
— Description of the blockchain TON (perhaps a bit outdated);
— A brief introduction to Fift - it's a specially programming language for smart contracts of the TON blockchain developed by TON team.

Important! Subscribe to the TON News channel to keep abreast of developments around the Telegram blockchain.

A lot of events will happen in the coming weeks. And if you want to make money on a potential hyip around TON in the first days of launch it’s better not to lose sight of them.